Today I want to know, what do you people 👤 think of happiness 😌. Is it synonymous with fun, wealth, or other things of luxury and comfort? If the answer is " yes ' then I would like to ask you if happiness is synonymous with all these things then why are the rich, even the richest are not happy despite all their prosperity and ability to indulge in fun activities at their will. Whatever we experience during any activity is fun, happiness is that ethereal something we experience after an act. We can have fun 🎢 in different ways like watching 🎬, going shopping 👚 meeting friends all these activities are done for pleasure. Always keep in mind that fun activities give us fleeting moments of enjoyment and relaxation. In my opinion happiness 😌 on the other hand is a much stronger, deeper, and the most abiding fervor.
If we assume happiness 😌 as the ultimate goal of life, we have to improvise the ways to attain that goal. We all understand that the path to happiness is not a smooth route or a broad highway along which we can glide at the comfortable speed ⏩ it is a path through rocky and rugged landscapes and the going can become very tough times. This quest for happiness lasts a lifetime, Great happiness is earned only by great efforts not in spurts but diligent, constant efforts.
It has been noticed many times that people usually opposed another hoax, that fun and pleasure mean 😌 happiness and what about pain, as a corollary it must be synonymous with unhappiness. But the fact is quite different from this. Because I feel many of us never realize the aspects that bring us joy more often than not, involve some amount of pain. It is well said by the great poet of his time P. B.Shelley "Our sweetest songs are those that tell the saddest thoughts". I think it is because of misunderstanding that people avert the very endeavor that is the source of true happiness. 😌 The tough endeavors such to bring up the 🚼 handle the relationships with kith &kin and always keep trying to do something worthwhile in our life-- hold the promise of World 🌎 of amusement.
I would like to tell you happiness doesn't mean a permanent 🌅 🎄vacation. It is another prevalent belief if a person is wealthy 🤑 enough to lead a luxurious life, he is nothing to worry about. They need not do anything always remain blissfully 😁. Then what about the preaching that almost all the religions 🛐 of the world teach us that "work is worship." We do believe that hard work holds the 🔑 key to success 📈 If we don't do anything our contribution will become zero in the process and rotation of the things which make life possible on this earth 🌐.
In my opinion, the challenges of the job provide more job satisfaction rather than the earnings of a man. I don't want to ignore the fact the paycheques count. No one may be happy without necessities and roaming the streets on an empty stomach.
Happiness and contentment are interconnected with each other. Contentment is a secret ingredient of happiness. Contentment should not be mixed with apathy or luck of🎲 ambition. Obligation teaches us to give that we may receive and contentment helps us to adore the gift 📦 we have received. All these things are at least worth trying no matter If they don't promise access to the zenith of success. Success means getting what one wants but happiness is liking what one gets.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know