Good habits are like a virtue in life. If you keep good habits in your life then you will go ahead without any difficulty I can understand, you must be thinking, what kind of good habits am I talking about, the habits which can be soothing not only for you but the people who are enjoying your company, also get affected and sometimes habits establish an indelible impression on their minds. 

Therefore it is said the person is known by the company he keeps. By consciously selecting positive and influential company, we demonstrate a commitment to self-improvement and the pursuit of excellence. We are more likely to embody the principles we hold dear, such as honesty, kindness, and compassion. Ultimately, the company we keep reflects not only who we are as individuals, but also the potential for greatness within us.

When we talk about good habits, we are referring to positive behaviours and actions that individuals practise consistently in their daily lives. Sound habits not only help in shaping one's personality but also leave a lasting impression on others. Just as the saying goes, "a person is known by the company he keeps," it is all about those things or people whom you like to  surround yourself with and how they influence your character and values.

First and foremost, good habits such as timeliness, goodness, morality, affection, and respect for others ascertain one's commitment to terrific integrity. By consistently exhibiting these qualities, individuals not only attain the admiration and  attention of their friends but also earn a reputation for being responsible and credibleble

Habits also play a significant role in influencing our mindset and attitude towards life. When we cultivate positive habits such as perseverance, discipline, and gratitude, we not only become more resilient in the face of challenges but also develop a positive outlook towards life. This optimism and resilience not only inspire others but also create a ripple effect, influencing those around us to adopt similar habits and behaviors.

Habits decide the level of difficulty in your behaviour will be enhanced or decreased. Your Good habits are like inherent advantages in life. If you keep good habits in life then certainly you will go ahead in your life and get respect too. There are many good habits to get something better. 

Good habits mostly we have in us since childhood and some are very good and it lives with us till the end of life. one question is usually asked? How can good habits be inculcated in the children we all know that children are very good learners their grasping power can not be neglected and they are very good imitater as well, so childhood is the best time to nurture good habits and values while nurturing, we have to focus what should not be done rather than what should be. 

That's why I always try to set an example rather than preaching. Children are good imitators so they used to follow their elders. The people around them can make a big difference whatever they do it will be imitated by the children in the same manner. Now it is the responsibility of the elders to avoid the difference between saying and doing. 

If the people around them follow the path of honesty and righteousness then children as good learners automatically follow the imitate. I would like to tell you about some such good habits in their everyday life.

 A person, whose habits are good, will usually find it as systematic,preserved, and dutiful. It reflects life with a more serious perspective, and life on a strong basis. So the whole process of good habits should be started during their childhood. At this stage of life, it can be grasped easily.

Here is a glance at good habits that we should practise in our lives. Waking up early in the morning is one of the good habits. It is an old saying  that "Early to bed early  to rise  makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." We must make the children aware of the importance of a  routine life, how morning walk and physical exercises like yoga aerobics etc. help us to stay fit and healthy. Regular Brushing and bathing are enough to make you feel better. 

Always read good books that can inspire you a lot and generate positive energy to create an inspiring idea. eat healthy food which nourishes not only our body but also our mind. . We should be time-bound in our duties.  We should keep our surroundings neat and clean. 

We ought to develop the habit of throwing garbage in the trash. We should try to be patient because it is well said that “one ounce of patience is better than one pound of wisdom.”  

In the ordinary business of life, it is the fact that most of our activities follow a fixed pattern,  Habits set this pattern from these activities. Therefore, if we have achieved useful habits, then it means a great economy of energy. We leave the problem of thinking at every step, we work mechanically, and the energy which is saved is better in dealing with more important matters of life.

Sound habits are not just about individual actions but also about the impact they have on our relationships and interactions with others. By surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who share our values and principles, we not only reinforce our good habits but also create a supportive and nurturing environment where personal growth and self-improvement thrive.

 Remember, the company we keep speaks volumes about who we are as individuals and the values we hold dea. "Good habits establish an indelible impression on minds. Therefore it is observed, the person is known by the people he likes to roam around ":