Today I want to ask,  how many of you understand the value of truth? What is the worth of being truthful? I know the response. All of you without any hesitation start applauding it in words. The truth always triumphs.

 I know People do believe in truth and all the time they don't wish to tell lies. even if they don't like the idea of telling lies but a way of thinking and the circumstances play an obstacle to sustaining their truthfulness. Those who believe in certain principles of life never follow the path of compromises so easily.

 In today's scenario, It is really difficult to lead a life on your willingness or beliefs. But those who haven't got any kind of fears,  fakeness and dupery don't compromise with situations or the people around them at any cost.

 Some people have a religious faith that only truth can pave the way for a person can reach that divine power by walking on that particular path.

 I feel this is the most beautiful and the best way to live in this world. Many great men faced many difficulties for the sake of truth. Even abandoned his life, but did not leave the path of truth. what do you think? It was easy then or is it easy now to set these kinds of parameters to follow? I would like to tell you one thing   

Neither It was easy then nor it is easy now. It is quite difficult for people to follow such things which aren't readily accepted by others. These types of people never make difference in saying and doing. They have firm faith that actions always speak louder than words and these remarkable actions make their names marked in the pages of history in the letters of gold.

 Why do people think several times before choosing this path of truthfulness In my opinion they have got a strong feeling of rejection they have the fear of missing out, they remain in doubts about whether their actions might be liked and they will be appreciated or not why do people unable to understand a simple thing that everybody follows his/her mind-set they usually go with their conceptions and misconceptions.

 If you try to change their way of thinking a hard nut to crack it's not an easy task at all. Their mind is not water that you will use a machine and it can be filtered so easily. Liking and disliking are part of a person s conceptions and misconceptions, so nobody can be appreciated all the time by all the people. So stop bothering about who likes you and who doesn't? Just chill, "You are not money that everybody will like you".

 I want to tell you that always keep one thing clear in your mind truth can not be compared with anything in this world because it is invaluable, it is matchless.

 It has been witnessed that after telling lies person remains guilt-ridden and even unable to face the people around them, but truth never let you down It is not easy to walk along the path of truth a lot of barriers and hurdles are already planned by your opponents to disturb your reaching to your destination. You should have the courage and determination to cross any barriers.