Yesterday I was talking with my students one of them raised a genuine question. She told me that as a student of class 11th had a dilemma that had been bothering her for some time. She was hoping that I could suggest something to help her.
Actually, in the first prelims she was the one who had got the highest marks and her class teacher posted the result on the bulletin board of the school and the afterwards other students or members of the staff looked at the board, they never missed to congratulate her and it was the reason of her dilemma because she was thinking that this extra attention might be made her arrogant. I told her the recognition she had got due to this could help her to open many doors to career and social opportunities.
I appreciated the way she was thinking 🤔 it was good that she was so concerned about this issue. Arrogance can restrain us and do thwart us because usually we people unnecessarily concerned we keep thinking that how and what Will people think of us That's why arrogance is one of the things that if it is not taken in the right manner, ' it eliminates a person from this wonderful world,'
I think you should not object to this and let the teacher continue to post your name on the bulletin board whenever she feels like this, only one thing you are supposed to do, Don't run away from the challenge.
Always take this as a good opportunity to work on developing humility - an opportunity you would not have if your name was not posted. Now I would like to address those who have got this kind of issue in their life only one thing you have to focus that everything has been provided by God.
Nobody on this earth can bless anybody the way a God does, so you have to introspect yourself in regular intervals to check out that the feeling of superiority complex should never let be heightened. Always consider yourself lucky that God is kind enough to you. And try to show your gratitude to the God Almighty by taking out the feeling of false pride within yourself.
The key to improving your politeness is only one that you have to develop the faith that whatever you are getting is not merely your hard work but you have been chosen to be blessed. God has given strength and capability to perform well in the test so it is not a matter of pride just take it as pleasure.
If you know how to balance a combination of both proud and humble and people never regret after meeting you it means you're on the right direction.
Always keep in mind that human beings are made of soil so unable to do anything of their own your authenticity matters the most always say what you mean 😏 and believe in whatever you say. Don't ever try to be fake because people 👤 around you can accept anything except deception.
Your goodness of heart at times eclipsed by your talent and intellectual gifts 📦. No need to hold anger and bitterness towards those, who always become happy 😁 after criticising you. This is the time you can prove how modest you are.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know