How to enhance the power of the mind?

If one has a clear vision in life then the biggest of bondages or barriers can be tackled easily. It is all about the mind one who has got the power to control one's mind then definitely no issues will be found in governing the world according to your wish. It is the mind or your thought process that makes your world heaven or hell. 

The thought process is the key that decides you are going to heaven or hell, this key in the form of mind has been given by God in our hands to make exact decisions to put yourself in the proper place. After considering the importance of the mind, it is necessary to consider the meaning of the expression that is related to the way of leading life. Whether it is defeat or victory it comprises in your mind so the losers of the mind can never even think of victory. sorrow and happiness fall on everyone, so do not give up your power of perception. 

Where all the layers of sorrow and happiness lie deep in your essence. If your mind already accepted the defeat then your downfall can not be dissuaded and if you are not only thinking of victory but also making efforts to attain it let me say that your victory can not be deterred at any cost.

In the same way, I would like to tell you people that  Goal-setting has certain conditions too, and there are some indications of potentially lethal side effects to both individuals and organisations. Now it proves, that defeat and victory are dependent only on whether the mind accepts it or not, that is, if the defeat is accepted by the mind, the person's defeat is sure.

 On the contrary, if the person's mind does not accept defeat, then his achievements will be highly acclaimed. In the same manner, sorrow and happiness are all the causes of the mind; Therefore in a way a person experiences it similarly, he will become.

 It is all about the firmness of the mind. There are many such examples in front of us, in which through the willpower of the mind, individuals have converted their defeat into victory. There are many such examples of firmness in front of us, in which through the willpower of the mind, individuals have converted their defeat into victory.  

We can say young people are learning one of the hardest lessons to learn: certainty is the biggest uncertainty. but very authentic indeed. It can be said that  people are learning there is one thing in life that is complete control over your vision and thoughts

While at times it may feel like your thoughts control you, it’s the other way around. It’s you who has the power to change what should be thought and what should not be.  If you have got complete control over your perception of yourself, and the world around you.

 It suggests that you are on the right path. Therefore it’s up to you to take the episodes of your life as things that are happening to you or occurring for you. Now let me make one thing clear: If things are happening to you, you’re giving your sovereignty away because you believe you have no control. When you see events happening for you, you feel less like a victim of circumstance and more & more like the author of your life.

 Making a New Year’s resolution is not just for the status symbol but it means it’s the perfect time to start breaking some old obsessions and start focusing on what’s within your control. The handling and proper execution of actions decide the fate of goals in an organization, and the individual as well. We usually notice the goal of an individual may not align with the goals of the organization as a whole. In such cases, we notice the goals of an individual may come into a predicament with the operating groups.

Without clearly aligning goals between the organization and the individual, overall achievement may suffer. Sometimes it has been witnessed that when people do not obtain their desired results or certain goals,  they become restless and it affects the performance very badly rather than realising the truth of this line " always give your best"  whatever the situation is. From this one thing may be acknowledged that you have the power to control whatever you think, it’s another thing that can be put into action the way it should be.

Maharana  Pratap battled with the Mughal Emperor Akbar with determination and firmness of his mind. In the freedom struggle of our country, a lean man who was known for nonviolence Gandhi Ji shook the foreign rule with his determination. Japan was destroyed by the explosion of the atomic bomb by America in World War II, but today due to the strength of its morale, Japan is one of the few powerful countries in the world.  

Many such examples from history are rare enough to prove my point, victory and defeat depend on the firmness of the mind rather than the situation. The power of the mind in the performance of action always matters, its importance can never be ignored. 

It has often been observed that the work in which a person is more interested, he completes that work even after agonizing difficulties. It has been quite visible that as soon as the attachment of the mind towards a task diminishes, so does the effort similarly. 

The feeling of motivation for anything works as an attachment and it keeps them encouraged till the task is completed.  Do you remember the story of King Robert Bruce who fled away from the battlefield and hid in the cave where he got immensely inspired by the daring movements of a small spider? It was enough to toss out his negativity from him? 

One of the easiest ways to start the process of breaking the cycle of negative thinking is to start by simply acknowledging and accepting your thoughts which will subsequently change how you feel about yourself and the world around you. with this thought process, King Bruce accumulated his strength of mind, patience, power and defeated his enemy, and took back his kingdom 

If you begin to feel anxious about the new challenges you might try to think, "What am I doing? Should I do this? What if it doesn't work out?  then. The moment you discover that you are going down, and you start noticing that the graph of your achievements is not getting the desired results then I would like to suggest you stop, acknowledge, and accept It, without getting perplexed. You should realize the fact that ups &downs are a part of life. 

Accept the changes, hold it tightly, and say ‘I know choosing anything different can create discomfort." So no need to tell me where I am wrong, but try to support me by saying new beginnings may have some kind of crisis. The mind is enormously powerful.  It is the source of infinite power. If you can appreciate the power of the mind, this perseverance should be repeated many times ” 

It means that you are the core of power and cannot be defeated throughout your life. We have made it weak by forgetting this infinite power of the mind. We will feel dissatisfied and defeated if we do not keep our minds strong. If we know the worth of a strong mind, then we will never experience defeat and failure in life.

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