There is big difference between cooperation and compromise

 We should understand how to adapt according to situations and the people around us.  I would like to say the person who has got knowledge or answer, of this 'how,' is capable enough to turn the situations accordingly.  If sometimes you are pretty doubtful, about certain things and people.  Ok, let it be, not a big deal.  

But when a person starts doubting his capabilities and eligibility it means that you are not only pushing your success away but it will work as a blow on your confidence and aspirations.  Because in no time your doubts will be changed into fear and fear start formulating obstructions in attaining your concepts and objectives of life. 

 It is an old saying “Doubt is the beginning of wisdom” but still we can't ignore the other facet that “faith can move mountains” it's very true if you start doubting your capacity you will be responsible to shift your attitude from,  " Can do”  to  “Can't ”.  This disparity of "Can do" to" Can't". will write the further script of your future journey. 

It doesn’t mean that you should never try to adjust to the situations and the people around you. No, I would never like to suggest any inapplicable solution to anything. Because adjustment is the need of a healthy society. Adjustment leads to cooperation creates a good alliance among the communities that help to build a strong nation.

 I wish to suggest that you only have to understand the difference between adjustment and compromise. If a person is adjusting cooperating and Little bit compromises in any situation it is ok, can be managed easily. 

When a person develops this particular way of thinking that compromise and cooperation are the two sides of the same coin then the problems begin. We know adjustment can be based on mutual understanding but compromise mostly make things one-sided. 

When a person blindly begins to follow the path of adjustment and cooperation without questioning its rigidity and necessity, then the whole process, of cooperation and willingness stealthily change into compromise. In this situation, it might be forgotten, when you should adjust and when you have to say, ‘No',  to get out of the situation with dignity.

I would like to tell you an inspirational story and it will help you to understand my point of view. This is a story of two friends, named Lily and Viola. They were friends and both of them lived nearby. They were studying in the same school. One day lily said to viola that “I am not feeling well today so please take my notebooks also for the correction” 

 Lily wanted that her work should be done on time. It's not bad at all to expect favours from friends, and she was doing the same. It’s not bad at all, usually, it is part of friendship. Viola did the same, she gave the notebooks to the teacher and took them back after correction,  then she returned the notebooks to Lily. 

One day lily in the class viola was sitting on the front seat lily was sitting in the back and she had forgotten her specs at home she wanted to change seat with viola because she was unable to copy anything from the board. 

It was a genuine problem so adjustment should have been required or it was need of the hour. viola took things positively and did the same. But after some time it was noticed that lily was getting habitual to ask for some or other kinds of favour in the form of work, 

For example, "please, complete my homework,  carry my bag it's too heavy, get my water bottle filled too as  I am very tired,  please 🙏 set my bag according to timetable etc".  The list was endless, It could be understood that viola was a very adjusting and cooperative girl but she had self-respect too, that's why she knew well how the line should have been drawn between cooperation and compromise. 

One day when lily again asked her to change her seat in the class, viola looked at her and found that lily had worn the glasses, the visibility was no more an issue, then viola had got it that lily was taking her leniency, for granted. Then she bluntly refused to move an inch, from there, at that time she was not ready to compromise because she wanted to keep the situation under her control. 

Whenever a person realizes that things are going out of his control it is a signal, and if you are intelligent enough to understand the value of self-respect and self-abnegation and know, that it should be fixed, before getting worse. 

It has been noticed, it is always expected from the lady, that all the obligations should be fulfilled by her in the name of responsibilities, in this male-dominated society.  As a mother, wife, sister, daughter etc, she has to perform many roles without raising her voice whether in favour or in against. Now the ladies have started to take this alarm seriously.  

 They don’t want to make any kind of compromise, in the name of, duties and sacrifices. The women are sure of what do they want? and, how the smart moves should be made in life? Now we realize it well, if the right decisions have not been taken at the right time then nobody can save us from the emotional and physical setback.  

Like Viola, we too should take the right decision to check it on time to save ourselves from the crisis. If we keep ignoring the alarm then we start getting weaker and weaker and can never come out from the dilemma.

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