The life of human beings is a combination of many emotions like happiness, sorrow love, hate, jealousy, etc, but the two most prominent emotions are happiness and sorrow that can easily be noticed by others.
As for as happiness is concerned. We can say it is the time of rejoicing people usually don't need any kind of help in any kind of celebration. It continues either all alone or in a group But in times of sorrow, many people are badly broken, even give up hope of moving forward.
Now the question arises of what kind of eagerness should be there if a person wants to accomplish his tasks. I would like to tell you that when a person has got a strong desire to face the struggles and challenges in life then the willingness of achieving neither let you quit nor you let allow anybody else to thwart your path of achievements.
Because there is nobody in the world 🌎 who has not suffered any hardships or complications, except those who have not achieved yet that particular level of success. As we all know that everything in life needs that kind of spectacular effort and hard work that becomes helpful to provide vision to others and open doors of progress for you as well.
I wish to ask all of you how many of you begin to feel the pressure of failure and get depressed too. It means the goal that has been chosen either is not of your interest or you are pretty doubtful of your capabilities and in both situations,
Instead of this take your failure as a learning experience and inspiration. Always keep in your mind that if you are working hard, today be sure next time it should be harder to make the things possible right in the future This confidence of yours will always keep motivating you to move forward on the path of success.
it is common and sometimes gets obvious to feel a sense of despair when your performance is not up to the mark It means that something is wrong somewhere and it should be rectified and how will you correct the things It matters the most.
I advise you to stop cursing others for your failures because sometimes circumstances also play a vital role in one's life. and you might have got the issues within you but are unable to notice and keep blaming others so the problem remains as it is.
When you realise it exists within you without delay start working on the issue and that day your journey of success will commence without difficulty.
We are all aware of the fact that there is no gain without pain. if a person sets a goal and hardly works, to attain that target, it indicates you are not sincere enough to claim the results and you keep working with this kind of mentality then you will get stuck in negative thoughts and unable to use your mind and energy in the proper combination.
Due to this reason your focus will divert from the task, it will be lost in oceans of dreams, you and your targets if you are fully focused, can never go astray from the path of success.
It happens when you are putting a lot of extra effort to attain your goals but effective results can not be produced at that moment just check out your working procedure without getting disheartened, pull your socks up again, and start motivating yourself and keep telling that you can and effort you are ready to take and in realising your dreams in reality. Immediate results should not be expected.
You have to strive hard, without challenges and difficulties tasks may be set but can never be achieved.
Don't ever try to forget, that life is not a flowery bed it has got thorns as well. Life is the mixture of Bitterness and sweetness and the way you blend it. It will be helpful to determine your destiny.
We should understand that life has certain harsh realities and if you accurately take this struggle then I would like to assure you the right strategy shall pave a way for the sweet 🍭 memories.
It is good to dream and become ambitious but without ignoring the fact that pain and pleasure are the inalienable part of your existence these are the elementary instincts that make us feel that we have the potential to make things possible.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know