We know well that man is a social being and to live all alone can not be imagined. So it is expected from all the beings to develop the importance of community and coherency. 

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention in the same way necessity is the mother of that mechanism also that works to maintain the chain of whole human relations, to continue the function of community and society smoothly. 

The foundation of citizenship lies in sharing if anyone is not ready to be part of any human relationship it indicates clearly that you are not cooperative at all. 

Because it is your cooperation that will help the society not only to grow but also remain United. 

We always depend on one another to fulfil our necessities and this dependency will compel the human relations to adopt that particular means that can help to run the whole process of strong communication with the community.

Effective citizenship can not be built only through schools or college instructions in civics and politics alone. There must be a strong link between what the child learns in class and family and how he follows or practises, the whole thing. 

We always ought to keep an eye,   let the gap between saying and doing, should never be widened. 

If it comes about, try to deal with it intelligently. If the good things or ideas remain stuck in the classroom or the books, then nobody can be benefited from them.

 If a child doesn’t practice the whole process sensibly, then effective results can not be produced. 

It is the responsibility of society to offer an opportunity to gain practical exposure to sharing ideas and commitments at the regular intervals they should be motivated how to develop the norms of effective citizenship. 

If you are not ready to face the challenges as a part of the big community then the harmonious surrounding can not be expected. 

Harmony can be sustained when a person seems interested to handle the pressure of responsibility. 

Cooperation and understanding pave the way for harmonious situations around you and from this, a better community can be formed 

It is the responsibility of every good citizen to take care of the environment and as a part of the community we should develop a habit of keeping our surroundings clean, and if it is done on a mutual and regular basis, effective results may be achieved. 

 Unhygienic conditions can create havoc so we have to be careful about these aspects otherwise desired results can never be produced.    

It has been seen that all kinds of precautions and alertness regarding cleanliness are invariably expected from others.  It is not the sign of a good citizen. 

We should cooperate with people in all the aspects of life may be religious economic or social because we are interdependent on all the stuff it does not make any difference whether it is luxuries or necessities usually we intend to exchange our things with each other. 

Things can not be managed all alone we always need the cooperation of others. When we begin to believe in the philosophy of the welfare state in the meantime the budding of good citizenship also starts. 

you have to develop the feeling of respect and solidarity it will lead you in the right direction of compassion and integrity Thus, attention has to be paid to the idea that whether the human attitude can be improved in this world, its treatment is possible only if the idea of the human association will be understood as a social commitment under the transformational strategy.  

The present upheaval of human beings has arisen out of craving, agonies and intentions. This syndrome is not entirely due to economic reasons only.  Mainly moral and political reasons lie in its background.  

While specifying the line of relationship, it has become very important to keep a subtle viewpoint in mind.  

One path leads to peace and security and the other to conflict and destruction. Which one should be chosen all depends on the way you wish to see the things in future. 

If we remain secular in this way we can not only stop collapse and chaos but also facilitate new bonds of citizenship in our system of complex democracy. 

As far as personal and private life is concerned, he is to a certain extent free in it, but in those matters in which the public interest lies, the feelings and comforts of other people should be taken care of.  

In a nutshell, we can say our life is interdependent it is based on transactions. So why should you want to be isolated we all need to be committed to our society and community.