What kind of role sense organs, play in motivation

 Today I would like to ask you, can anyone live without motivation? I would like to say, I can’t live without being motivated, even In my opinion nobody can live, and hope that all of you would like to think the way I do. I think when a child in his early days, begins to realise the importance of the 5 senses at that time the process of inspiration is also get commenced. 

As we are all aware of the fact that five sensory organs include sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. These five senses are distinguished through our sensory organs these are eyes 👀 for sight, ears 👂 for sounds,  nose 👃  for smell,  tongue 😜  for taste and skin  for touch. The working of these sensory organs not only makes us realize the significance of the world around us but also what kind of decisions should be taken about the things, that are happening in our life. 

Different problems always need different solutions. These sensory organs help us to get a better view of situations. These sense organs influence us much, it functions as a crucial one in providing information to us, in a particular situation. All experiences and information related to the world around us are obtained through these sensory organs. This information helps us to make the right decision at the right time. 

Audiovisual aids have not only been introduced but also preferred, in the process of learning .it can be easily analysed how effectively these tools inspire the children to gain the maximum amount of satisfaction in minimum efforts. 

These two sense organs sight and sound motivate the children to develop a curiosity to understand the perception of the other three sensory organs like smell taste and touch. A child is taught or inspired that how can these sense organs be used collectively, for example, the child visits an orchard first he looks at an apple, touches it, then smells, and tastes it, then verbal praise 👏 in this way the cycle of all the 5 senses get complete.

Anyone can get inspired.in various ways. But when audio-visual aids are used together the inspirational value of that perceptions is get enhanced because the impact of sight and sound work much more effectively. 

 It is the need of the hour that education should have a connection with maximum organs of perceptions. Keeping this objective in mind the use of audiovisual is being made in abundance. It has been noticed that these days inspirational concepts are always involved in the communication of ideas through the use of sensory organs, either orally through speech or visually through written material and images. 

In schools and colleges, the theoretical and uninteresting topics can be made more natural, entertaining and useful with the proper use of sensory aids. It is factual truth that audiovisual experience sharpens the senses of sight and hearing and opens new avenues of inspirational beliefs.  

As we know that senses are the gateway to knowledge and sensory impressions are more permanent. Thus teachers usually prefer the use of these teaching aids, to help in creating a lasting impression on the mind of the learner. So it can be said that audiovisual aids are the best motivators, the learners become more attentive. 

They work with more attention and zeal. The use of sensory organs promotes self-learning and constructiveness the sense of understanding gets inspired and precise knowledge can be obtained. 

The scientific attitude has got seasoned. The learners through their sensory organs get inspired easily to explore their thoughts. It is felt that sometimes effortlessly a major or big concept or matter paves a way for a person to get inspired, and work accordingly. 

 while in other cases it seems difficult after making a lot of efforts to motivate a person in dealing with trivial or minor concepts of his life and the efforts go in vain.

We can realise that our body gets used to finding pleasure through these sensory organs. Our body keeps trying to seek pleasure by making the perfect use of all the five sensory organs if a person is looking for the best results and trying to capture the sixth one also, then you have to work 💼 very hard to hold a grip on it.

Because at the end of the day, only your hard work and extra efforts will matter the most in gaining effective results. Things can be made possible. 

We should fix one thing in our minds, that the impossible doesn't exist, so an intelligent  👫 person always keeps working to change situations from worse to better while a foolish wasting his time, in gaining knowledge about the impossible. 

If we notice any kind of negativity around us then with the help of sensory organs we should start working as a tool of prevailing positivity. It will be useful in developing a positive approach towards the people or things will help to reconstruct not only your but the ideas of others also

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