“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.” 

I would like to ask you, how many of you believe in this  Irish Proverb? I  feel most people would have faith in this assertion. I suppose if a person 👭 wants to lead a good and healthy life he should have good sleep at night, 🌟 

It is the fact, that for those who have a sound sleep at night their level of energy always remains high, in comparison to those who are suffering from any kind of sleeping disorder. It gets really difficult to come out when this syndrome becomes a part of your lifestyle.

Sleeping 🌙 is the best way to forget all the unpleasant happenings of the whole day. It lessens the phase of your stress I don’t want to say it will finish but a certain amount of ease can be felt after having sound sleep 🌙  and the sleep not only paves a way to dream but open several other directions ▶️ and vision to realize that you can follow this path also. 

When A PJ Abul  Kalam Azad a great scientist, guide and the former president of India says  “Dream is not that you see in sleep, it is which doesn’t let you sleep” Do try to discern the way it has been said.  He didn't mean at all to say, there is no need to sleep but you, people, 👫 usually take the literary meaning of this quote, rather than the figurative one. Any kind of sayings, statement or quote has got two meanings. In this way, we should try to develop a better understanding of all these things.

I would like to tell you sleeplessness can create many physical and mental issues. If these all have not been timely dealt with then. I do believe the process of the whole day makes you exhausted and sound sleep at night will certainly help to rejuvenate your next morning ⛅.

  As our body needs air, water and food 🎂 in the same way sleep is also one of the most vital and inevitable things. It is the thing which body does naturally that’s why the sleeping hours of the people are different from each other. The doctors always advise sleeping a maximum of 8 hours a day. 

But nowadays it has become a fashion, to feel delighted in saying they use to sleep two to three hours only and the various irrational reasons are usually provided for this. I am unable to understand, why do the most successful people feel proud to less sleeping? 

They arrogantly answer that they don't believe in wasting time sleeping .🌙 if they keep sleeping they would have not been reached, where they are today, no doubt all of us are ready to accept the truth that hard work is key to success, but not at the cost of your health.

If a person 👫 is not mentally fit then how can he deal with different issues in his life? I know it’s really difficult to sleep the whole night, but not having slept the whole night is very risky too. Sleeping well has impressive health benefits, such as improving our cardiovascular health and it can prevent obesity, which comes with a lot of other ailments. 

So good sleep can keep you away from all the other kinds of unwanted anxieties. Sleep helps in improving our mood and enough not only sleep make our mind function correctly and in a much better way but enhances our energetic approach towards our work and the way of taking things 

Always try to eat healthily and sleep well both things help you to rejuvenate your energy. sufficient sleep is very significant to our mental health and physical well-being. 

If we are not having enough sleep, we might have got affected and not be able to lead our lives in the way it is supposed to live. If you are not aware of the fact that life can become painful and full of troubles that may become complicated as time will pass through. 

Hence we must all take the initiative in our own lives to sleep on time and wake up on time to prevent any mental or physical jams and impediments. Now I am leaving you with this question, to think about, and comment on if you like---

“How can success be appreciated if your health is getting damaged due to lack of sleep?”