Yesterday I was sitting on my balcony at that time I overheard a conversation between two ladies .One of them was our neighbour and another one was her younger sister. It seemed that they both were blaming each other for something. 

The next day when I met her, she told me the reason for their tussle, both the sisters had applied for the same job but the younger one was hired, so in the viewpoint of the elder one, It was merely her luck  rather than the capability. 

The way she was talking about her sister gave me an idea of writing my blog about that particular feeling that lady was going through It was a core example of jealousy. Most people  have got this emotion but the problem is this they never realize the fact that they are really in trouble, so they have to take care, if they don’t it will not only get increased but also strike on their relations, like a massive blow. 

It is said the way you feel or think, your body will also respond in the same way if your thought process is not healthy it means your body can not remain healthy. It is a kind of disorder If your spirit feels any kind of burden then how can your body feel better? 

So from where, you are supposed to start working  it is all about your thoughts if the process of thinking is controlled and it is certain then not only you all be benefited from it,  but the people around you also start feeling better. 

Now one question must be pushing your mind What is jealousy all about?  How can anyone suffer from this emotion? Let me try to make things clear. The tempo of this emotion is so strong  if you are languished to control, it can occupy most of the space  that lies within you. It can pollute your thoughts. 

Jealousy can be variant from person to person  it might be for the nice image, with his/her achievements, or the outstanding talent of anyone. The jealousy compels a person to form this opinion that whatever those people possess and win, it is all his/her loss and they don't deserve it at all,

Even if he doesn’t realize the simple truth of life his actions, decisions and convictions will pave way for his contentment, while other people's actions and decisions and convincing power will pave way for their satisfaction. 

In my opinion, the more you wrap yourself under the cover of jealousy the more resented you will feel. Jealousy and anger are the two negative emotions that are enough to make you restless. This restlessness leads you to dissatisfaction. 

He starts blaming others for all the mishappenings rather than working on his own emotions. This wrong interpretation of his misfortunes and others' fortunes, creates a hollowness  in his life and negativity occupies that vacuum and fills it with a lot of antagonistic ideas. 

Jealousy is an intrinsic and inevitable feeling so it is said, it lies at the bottom of all the other emotions. Now only one aspect is left to focus that what steps should be taken to nip this emotion into the bud. 

We all know that It is very tough to deal with any kind of emotion but it gets the toughest to handle this negative feeling of jealousy. 

At this moment a person has to realize whether he has to fight or flight💺 if a person has got a habit of fleeing away from any kind of trouble or chaos neither he can come out from the drastic situation nor he could be helped to do so.  

People usually get confused between these two words envy and jealousy. These terms are mostly used as a synonym because both these words are used to portray natural feelings. 

They make us feel awful about the other's good fortunes and accomplishments. It is felt that the same kind of impression is earned from these terms. 

But it is not like this, they are distinct in uses. Each has its qualities. Envy occurs when a person lacks or is unable to match the significance of superior virtues of another person whether it is personal or professional. 

If anyone has something unique then it might be neighbours' envy and owners' pride. Because your neighbours also like to have that wonderful thing they become envious but jealousy can create strong disliking even, they may start hating you. 

So it can be concluded that jealousy is stronger and more alarming than envy. Jealousy leads to rivalry it is enough to make your life worse than hell. 

When anxiety turns into jealousy and jealousy into anger it is enough to finish anyone anything anywhere. I would like to take an example of Othello one of the brilliance of William Shakespeare, we notice how jealousy becomes a lethal weakness and evokes Othello, who was a great warrior had got blind in resentment and had stabbed his beloved wife Desdemona. While he loved her madly. 

But this pessimistic approach was provoked by Iago the villain of the play. Throughout the play, his intentions revolved around greed and envy. 

As jealousy sets the main plot in this play of Shakespeare, in the same way, a person has steered to do whatever he/she is not intended to do at all, but this strong emotion compels us to follow the same path. 

it can not be changed so easily but it should not be left in the lurch we are supposed to keep working hard on it. We can come out from this negativity,

I would like to say that life is too short to be jealous,  try to develop the habit of counting your blessings rather than finding faults in others. It will lead you on the path of joy