"Libraries always remind me that there are good things in this world."

If I ask, what is the library? You will say, it is the place which holds various stocks of books, magazines newspapers and DVDs, that is used by the public to collect a wide range of information on the different topics of the world. It becomes very important for those who want to make research on any of their ideas or subject. 

Libraries are not only helpful but can also be used at a reasonable price by people. In the present scenario, it has been noticed, that library culture is losing its significance due to the popularity of social media now everything is available at their fingertips Now the source of information always remains just one click away from the person. 

Libraries not only motivate or enrich the ability of understanding and learning but also play a crucial role in ensuring reliability in the content. 

A few years ago a word was very common in use, if we found 🔎 anyone with the books the whole day we used to call him/her a bookworm, a very common phrase that was usually used for the students. 

Now this word has also lost its charm, the way libraries are losing. It can be glimpsed easily how the commoners are renouncing their reading habits these days?  

But still, the libraries in schools, colleges, and universities give the impression that the more you read the more academic skills will be gained. 

When the students get any homework or assignments, at the time of any difficulty, they are helped with reference material available in the library.

So libraries work as a great platform for those who wish to make improvements in their other skills. I wish to discuss the following points and the vital role a library plays in the fulfilment of educational objectives-:

1) To arrange books and other materials in line with the demands of the curriculum, and according to the needs of the students

2) To guide students in their choice of books and the methods desired both for the personal and curriculum objectives.

3)  To develop proper skills and usefulness in their choice of books and libraries and encourage personal analysis.

4) To help pupils explore a wide range of interests.

5) To encourage lifelong education through the use of library sources.

6) To encourage social attitudes and provide experience and knowledge regarding different demarcations in social life.

7) To develop cooperation and a constructive approach with the instructional and administrative staff of the school.

8) To give aesthetic experience and develop a preference for Arts.

It is expected that every school should have one library 📕 The sitting arrangement of students in the reading room ought to be comfortable, boredom, fatigue, noises, nuisances and any other kind of distraction should be avoided in the library.  

The students should abide by the rules and regulations of the reading room. Everything should be kept neat. There ought to invariably be an attendant to look after the arrangements in the reading room.

Certain principles should be kept in mind at the time of selection and acquisition of books. The books should be by the mental level of the pupils. Mostly the interest of children is always confined to story books and nursery rhymes. 

The language of the book should be so simple that the students do have not to face any difficulty while reading. 

There should not be any type of difficulty to perceive the vocabulary and the expressions as well. Last but not least, the books must be arranged subject-wise as it facilitates readers to select their reading material according to their choice and need. 

It is the fact, that we must not give up the idea of visiting libraries if not daily it should be tried once a week or once a month to gain a little bit from the treasure.  library 📚  has got a treasure of knowledge, that can never be stolen by anyone. 

Now I wish to make you realize only one thing that due to the digital age, we should not ignore the significance of libraries because nothing can ever be replaced by the genuineness and reliability, we get from the books.

"A library is a good place to go when you feel unhappy, for there, in a book, you may find encouragement and comfort. A library is a good place to go when you feel bewildered or undecided, for there, in a book, you may have your question answered. Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people - people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book." E . B . White