How many of you understand the exact meaning of nutrition. ? If you don't understand then can try to take an idea from it. 

According to Chambers of Twentieth Century Dictionary is an “Act or process of nourishing” To take nutrients from the food to make the organs of body strength.

 Nutrition is the collection of different activities of the body through which living being intakes and uses these products that can control the activities of the body, growth and reproduction of cells.”  

The definition has been given by the Council of Foods Nutrition and the American Medical Association  -:  "Nutritional food is a science 🔬 of nutrients and other elements are found in them, their inter relations, their relation with health and diseases balance all these activities through food, a human intake”.

Nutritional State-:

The food is consumed by all of us and through the process of nourishment the variety of nutrients can be acknowledged,  studied or categorized in this way-:  

(1)  Good Nutrition 

 (2)   Malnutrition  

(3)   Over Nutrition, 

 (4)  Under Nutrition,

Good Nutrition-:  when a person 👱 is physically and mentally balanced and the level of efficiency is also according to her age it refers to good 👍 nutrition. This intake of nutrients supports a man to attain good health 🏥. The Word health means a state of well-being scarcity and totality of the body. 

Health is being strong on social mental, physical, and emotional levels. The main intentions of being healthy are to develop energy and get vigorous.  Lock defines, health as, a “Healthy mind that can stay in a healthy body”.  

It has been noticed that nowadays maintenance of health is considered the biggest social investment because it is the key to success, education, good citizenship and pleasant life. A healthy body not only means the absence of diseases but also means a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing. 

A person who has got the qualities given below can be a well-nourished 👭 . World Health Organisation (WHO)  also specified  good nutrition in this way-:

(a)  Well-developed and well-built body 

( b)   Having an appropriate weight according to height. 

(c)   Strong developed and well-built muscles 

(d)  Black and shiny hair 

(e)  Having a sound sleep 

(f)   Healthy digestive system 

 (g)  Optimistic nature without anger and frustration. 

(2) Malnutrition -: is exactly the opposite of good nutrition. When food items are consumed in lesser quantity and quality due to some reasons and unable to fulfil the physical requirements this condition is stated as malnutrition.

Malnutrition refers to imbalance and inadequate food. It occurs due to over – underconsumption of food 🍭. Generally quantitative and qualitative the 2 forms of food are there. Malnutrition has got many causes like-:

a)  Many food 🎂 habits generate this problem, of malnutrition,

b)  Delay and untimely consumption of food.

c)  Excessive consumption of tea/coffee.

d)  Taking meals in short intervals.

e)  Excess of Smoking and use of tobacco.

f)  Having a lot of food without any physical activity.

g)  Illiteracy and lack of knowledge never let them pay attention to the shortage of food.

As a result of malnutrition the obesity gets increased, the physical efficiency of the person increases and hunger gets enhanced. The skin becomes dry, colourless and wrinkled. Malnutrition makes them ill.

(3)  Overnutrition -: This type of malnutrition occurred due to excessive consumption of food. Obesity and other problems become visible very clearly.

(4)  Under nutrition-: if we take the literary meaning of malnutrition it means insufficient nutrition. Lacking one or more nutrition in our body is undernourishment.

There are two major statuses of undernutrition that is as given below:

( A)  Less than the necessary quantity of food items.

(B)   lack of good nutrients.

When the surveys are conducted at the different places it was observed that the meal of poor people lack vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, and minerals because the components of all these prepare a balanced food.

The health process suffers very badly due to insufficient nutrients. Their growth and development get deterred due to malnutrition, this obstruction is enough to create lethargy, frustration and weakness. When the diseases 😷 hold them in their clutches it is called deficiency diseases.

In the survey conducted National Institute Hyderabad, it has been found that in lower-income groups 65% of children 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 are generally and 18%  children critically underdeveloped.

"If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have the safest way to health." –  Hippocrates.