"More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given"   Bertrand Russell.

It is observed people usually don’t understand easily that what is the importance of strategic planning? why did it is focused so much? Especially before taking a start, it gets more crucial.  

Simply, it may be understood that when a person 👤 fix a certain goal to achieve then processes and procedures must be taken not only to make things possible on the ground of reality but also can help him to attain his aim.

 It is almost a type of prior planning that infers how a person can turn his dreams into reality. According to English Dictionary, "the category strategy denotes the Art of fighting the army against the enemy". 

“Strategy is a science or an art which directs and plans the functions of a vast army”. Encyclopaedia.  

The things we understand from the above details are that it is a sort of guidance and planning which is related to functioning. If we try to know it in the scheme of education. In accomplishing the tasks and objectives related to teaching the teacher should have strategic planning. The teaching strategy could be defined in the  following ways-:

“Strategies are based on methods of instructions” Invor. K. Davis

“Teaching strategy seeks to establish the relationship and its wider scope concerns different teaching methods techniques and tactics”. Broudy

It is the policy and style of functioning in this way a teacher can achieve his goals and perspectives at all levels of teaching in the field of education.

It has been noticed that some people do believe that the present scenario must be analysed carefully, and make changes in plans and procedures that can help you to be successful in the future. Whereas others think that the future is just too difficult to anticipate so usually it is preferred to evolve their strategies organically. 

Strategies determine how resources should be used adequately whether it is human or physical resources. How the skills, resources, and competency can be combined to get more and more benefits.

This means organizations need to take full advantage of the opportunities open to them and anticipate and prepare for the future at all levels.  In turn, each team should have its strategy to ensure that its day-to-day activities help move the organization in the right direction. 

Characteristics of Teaching strategies-:

Today, teachers need to prepare the students with the kind of skills that can help them to live easily in this ever-changing technological world.   The strategies of teaching have many characteristics, However according to  references few of them are here-:

1) the success of strategies depends that how efficient, eligible, and capable the teacher is because it is the teacher who knows the exact ability and position of the students in class.🎒 So it is entirely teachers' decision what type of strategy and to what extent it should be.

2)  Strategic Planning influence the educational circumstances

3)  Strategies should be deduced before the start of the education program.

4)  New techniques and methods should be entailed in strategies.

5)  Strategically the teachers also get affected by the approach of others.

6)  Strategies should have inspirational values

7)  Strategies can help in the proper functioning of education that is based on different interests.

8)  Strategy makes education practical and dynamic in its form.

9)  Strategy is the tool that helps a teacher communicate with the students in a better way.

10)  Strategies should also be changed according to time and circumstances,  because of the fast changes in technology and the way the students learn, teachers must be able to adopt the changes not only in technology but also in education.  Technology changes day to day, as new teaching strategies,  techniques and the way they can learn and communicate with others.

Types of Teaching Strategies -: 

Educators usually make strategies  according to/her subject matter, but certain teaching demands at present are required prominent teaching strategies which can be applied to any subject, some of them are-:

1)  Lecture method-:  this strategy of teaching is widely used by teachers to make students understand the subject matter. This method is still considered good by the teachers in elaborating the topic.

2)  Case strategy -: To provide an opportunity to the students to apply whatever they learn in classrooms to their real-life experiences will be proved beneficial in enhancing their knowledge regarding the things around them.

3)  Strategy of discussion -: a variety of ways can be taken to encourage discussion. Some teachers begin conversations with the whole group to get a better idea of assignments. While others provide a set of questions for the students to develop their skills.

 4)  Strategy based on cooperation -: It is a systematic pedagogical learning of strategy it develops a feeling of working together in small groups of students to accomplish common goals.

5)  Strategy based on technology -: teachers should be able to implement technology. The should have ability to know how to use properly and execute the different techniques within the classroom is one of the essential skills or responsibilities of the teachers. They will have the means of how efficiently things should be implemented and incorporate technology into the classroom in a way that will be beneficial for all students.

"Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift 📦 and not as a hard duty"  Albert Einstein.