In recent years the world is facing two common issues one is information explosion and second population explosion. The explosion of information indicates knowledge. Today it has been noticed that the rapid development of new techniques and technology of information throughout the world 🌏 enhances the expansion of social changes.
Modern techniques and technology are opening the doors 🚪 of knowledge 📗 day by day. The horizons of human awareness and perception are expanding very fast. On the other side explosion of knowledge provides information about the explosion of population and gives an idea of the reading population of students year by year.
The growth of population and democratisation of education with different levels of motivation and aspirations. The growth of population is more serious in developing countries rather than the developed ones. India is a developing nation so facing both the issues of information and population explosion. So it can be said two general factors information, and population explosion have created critical issues to deal with.
There are many things to be learnt and more people to be taught. That's why the need for the universalization of education was felt. To deal with this problem effectively educational technology is consisting various modes of mass communication are essentially required. Both qualitative improvement and quantitative expansion of education can be facilitated and accelerated with the help of mass media under education technology.
The mass media is playing a major role to handle the problems. In the case of geographical, sociological, and economical diversities mass media comes out as an important means of education for all.
Mankind gets a great deal of information from the universal mass media i.e. newspapers, TV, radio, magazines, journals, films, etc. Previously mass media in the form of definitive were only put to marginal and individualised use. But at present, the interest and endeavours of certain teachers have increased the use of different modes of media.
The method of communication means the way a piece of knowledge and information can be provided to all. The information and knowledge have been provided through radio, TV, phone, or published in print will appear different and have some different kinds of effects on everyone.
John Dewey once stated that education couldn’t be limited to the teacher and can not be taught without a social environment. So mass media plays such a strong force in the social environment of education.
Importance of mass media -: It proves that education has become comprehensive and can not be confined to four walls of the classroom the significance can be understood in the following points-:
1. less time is taken in providing information.
2. It covers a wide range of information regarding anything anywhere.
3. It brings the world of knowledge to the individual or the whole class. Children can take the help of any medium of instruction to get benefited from it.
4. It sends information to remote places and helps in distant learning.
5. It helps in the modification of attitudes and inculcation of desirable values and familiarity with cultural heritage.
6. Mass media are useful for reinforcing group dynamics and interpersonal communication.
7. People can acquire different knowledge and skills very quickly on any subject matter that exists in this world 🌏.
8. Larger group of communities who are looking for certain professional or vocational opportunities can get a lot of benefits from the use of mass media.
Mass Media provide information to a large population in less time, this is a fact that might not be ignored. Mass media can even provide information regarding anything, anywhere, anytime. Usually, it has been seen that children spend most of their hours watching, hearing and acquiring knowledge from television with the help of the internet 📶, and then it starts working as a tool of social change.
It makes the concepts clear to children and encourages them to gain accurate knowledge from it. It does not only make knowledge delightful and substantial but also enables in improving their attitudes.
It can be easily understood how rapidly the character of the world 🌏 changes, so it is enhancing the responsibilities of education in a far greater way than it was before, it has to meet the demands of a dynamic world which change its character every day. The importance of education in the present scenarios of home 🏠 and society increasing speedily and so on the demand for mass media like Television, Radio and Press is increasing rapidly.
The role of some important mass media is discussed below:
• Radio
It is one of the sources of communication and is available far and wide places. it is not only taken as a main medium of instruction but also broadcasts the different sources of entertainment we get an opportunity to listen to various talks, discussions and debates, match commentary news, music, and other events etc. All these things provide great help in For teaching-learning process.
• Television
Today many debates on television have become very popular among the masses because of this medium of communication. The instructions can be heard and watched as well, so the whole personality of the child gets involved in the process of learning. Many programmes are broadcasted for better experiences for children. The role of various agencies of education like home, society and community can never be ignored.
We can say that Mass media is a kind of technology that takes mankind to a place that they never thought of before, it entirely depends on the way it is used, The proper use of it becomes a kind of a blessing in itself, and the misuse of it is enough to create havoc or can even become a curse. We should never forget one thing, that everything in this world 🌏 has got its advantages and disadvantages.
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