“He who has health has hope. And he who has hope has everything.” -Arabian Proverb
Today we all understand the importance of health education and can easily guess how people are getting more and more aware of this fact. Because the importance of health (physical, and mental) has been accepted by educationists and organizations also.
It is observed that in lack of good health a person can neither understand anything nor he can stay happy and contended to perform all the duties of a good citizen.
It has been quoted well by Crow and Crow that physical education is a plan education prerequisite. Health holds a significant place in life therefore acquiring knowledge of health makes it a crucial part of education.
Health education should be provided in a way that can not only lift a person’s health level but also help him to be prosperous on national, social, domestic, and personal, levels.
To keep our bodies healthy and clean is the process of personal hygiene. Personal hygiene doesn't mean only the cleanliness of the body or looking good, it depends upon clothes, food, sleep, personal habits and behaviorime of exercise, and definition alike.
The cleanliness of different body organs like skin, ears, eyes, mouth, hair, and stomach, can be understood in the following description-:
Skin -: As we know the skin is the security cover of the body it brings out vitamin D through the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Skin is a highly sensitive and expandable organ. Residual elements come out of the pores of the skin in the form of sweat. If the process of perspiration stops the dust will create blockage in the pores of the skin and not only does the foul smell percolates from our body but the impurities pave way for itching, ringworms, ache, and pimples also. So we should keep our bodies clean.
If fresh water is used for bathing it helps in circulating the hemoglobin and strengthening our muscles. We should not take bath immediately after having food. In case of any ailment when bathing is not allowed we should take a sponge bath with warm water.
Cleaning of mouth_-: we should keep our mouth clean by brushing it morning and at night regularly. If we don’t do so then the food particles get stuck in your teeth and it does not only make your teeth dirty but your gums can also swell and bleed. The mouth too starts smelling.
Ears -: Ears are an important organ of the body so it has to keep clean and secure. The walls of ears produce a particular type of filth which should be cleaned on the regular basis, if it is collected in the passage of ears then the path might be blocked and lead to loss of hearing. So it should be cleaned properly. A drop of coconut, mustard or olive oil, or any mild thing prescribed by the doctor can be used for e removal of filth. Always keep in mind any sharp or pointed objects must not be used in the ears because they can affect very badly on eardrums.
Eyes-: One of the most important parts of the body, the mirror of a person’s conscience means a source of vision. It is our responsibility to take sensible measures for the protection of our eyes. Eyes should be provided special care to recognize the nearer objects and read small fonts. We need proper light to read things. Reading in dim light should be avoided because it can have a bad effect on your eyes. The light should come from the back or left side. Eyes should be washed daily two to three times with clean water, and while reading don't ever forget to blink your eyes during the process.
We should consume vitamins A &B to make our eyes healthy. Dirty hands should not be used in the eyes.If you feel any problem with your eyes should consult the doctor without delay.
Any kind of eye drops should not be used in the eyes if it has not been prescribed by a doctor.
Clothes -: The garments we use should not only be clean but also comfortable to wear. It is very important to remember the fact that garments should be based on comfort rather than fashion. Tight garments usually lead to fatigue, try to wear loose ones. Dirty clothes lead to skin disease so always be careful.
Cleanliness of hands and feet -: we should take care of our hands and feet. As we know that hands should be washed before and after meals. There is a lot of dirt and dust that make our hands and feet dirty so it should be washed away properly.
Cleanliness of Intestines-: Regular urination and proper deification are essential in the cleaning of the intestine we are supposed to have a glass of water after waking up. If the waste is not terminated properly on time from the large intestines it can affect its functioning then headache, idleness and pain in the stomach and weakness, etc. Our meals should have the combination of proper nutrients that can eliminate the problems of constipation.
Kidneys-: kidneys are the major part of the body. We should have 3 to a liter of water in a day. It means everyone should drink six to seven glasses of water every day.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know