"The planning is everything. Deciding which dishes you're going to prepare can turn into the make-or-break decision five days later when you serve the meal." — Ina Garten
Meal planning is the simple way of deciding your meals for the day week or month. Meal planning means taking the quality of the item of all food groups in that manner the deficit of all nutrients should be fulfilled by them based on time and financial conditions of the family.
Meal planning for one person is easy however it gets difficult as for as the whole family is concerned. Family means members with different age groups, different sex, and different physical activities. Nutritional requirements are almost very different from person to person. So it is quite difficult to prepare meals according to the requirements of everyone.
Nowadays days It can easily be noticed how people are getting more &more prudent to eat wholesome meals, they not only plantheir launch and diners but also evening snacks. This entireplanning can be as rigid and flexible as it wishes to be!
Some meals should not be cooked every time it might create apathy towards meals so the diversity in food can help to uphold interest in meals. Then the question arises of how variety can be introduced in meals. There are several ways –
(a) Keep changing the manner of cooking – it is felt potato 🥔 is that vegetable which is usually liked by everyone but if it is served daily in the same way it will spoil the interest in food. by serving potatoes 🥔 in different forms like boiled, fried, semi-dried and in gravy will bring interest back in the food.
(b) By differentiating the texture of food items- Make sure that by determining the consistency of food items it can be made more tempting, Allsorts should be included it may be liquid, soft, crunchy, and crispy.
(c) Change of Colour- if they appear in different colours it will naturally attract the people 👠this change can be brought by the use of red tomatoes, beetroot, and capsicum.
(d) Alter the ways of serving nutrition – the interest in food can be stimulated through creative and innovative ideas.
It doesn’t matter what the planning is, as long as you start thinking about it! and this should not be at all about beginning things from zero for every single meal.
At the time of planning meals, the culture, rituals and religion of the family also be accounted for:
(A) Modern females 🙋 not only contribute to house chores but also help in economic directions, therefore to save resources has its persisting importance
(B) As we know that the meals of an entire day should be taken as a single unit. breakfast, lunch and dinner should be planned concurrently so that the nutrients for the before the day can be supplied in the right proportion, while doing this their physique, age, and shape should be considered because everyone’s nutritional requirements are different, meal planning should be performed according to the requirements of the other fellow members of the family
(C) It should be considered while meal planning that it should have enough variety and the repetition of delicacies ought to be avoided.
Everyday meal time should be based on the level of comfort and schedules of the other members of the family.
food has played a central role not only in my professional but also in my emotional life, in all of my dealings with loved ones and most of all in my relationship to myself and my body. I am what feeds me. And how I feed myself at any given moment says a lot about what I'm going through or what I need. I don't believe I am alone. Yes, we eat for our stomachs, but we hunger with our hearts. Like most people and many women, I think about what to eat all the time. I am constantly plotting my next meal, planning how and what I will shop for, and ever hatching new plans to avoid the foods I know will undermine my well-being. Foods are like men: some are good, some are bad, and some are okay only in small doses. But most should be tried at least once. — Padma Lakshmi
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