The role of a good teacher in inspiring learners

 I don’t think,  It is appropriate to ask the teacher, whether he understands the importance of education or not. The relevance lies in this question that how he makes his students understand not only the purpose but the significance of education.

 A good teacher always tries to make that kind of impression through inspiration that gets enough to rise the level of their interest in education.

 A teacher can make the students realize the importance of both types of education formal and informal, these are good sources of attaining knowledge. But somewhere formal education helps them create a harmonious society that can not only be easily poised, but helps them to grow personally, and professionally as well. 

The teacher should motivate the students in a manner that he sets himself up to perform the role of a leader and try to make a great impact on those who are expecting him to do something entirely different.

It’s not just about that teacher who has got all the answers. Being a good teacher doesn't mean he should answers every question all the time, but the credibility of a good teacher depends on, how successful he is to develop life long willingness for learning in his students and polish their potential in a way, that even a single door of knowledge never remains locked, When these doors get opened all the answers will come out themselves under the covers of ignorance.

 The teacher has got the key to enriching the brains of the students. He knows well what kind of methods should be applied to improve the student's capability of analyzing new ideas, perspectives, and different kinds of cultural beliefs, which could have got problems, and they should be made capable enough to find the solution to each question. The superiority of a teacher can also be noticed in the way his students handle the pressure and challenges in life. 

A teacher through the teaching-learning process makes the students aware of different perceptions and unfamiliar perspectives or challenges of a world that should be handled with ease and care. This knowledge of dealing with unexpected events is enough to create that spark that gives hope for their best.

A good teacher who shares a strong bond with the students and knows very well this understanding is not for a year or two,  this bond certainly creates the magic of another level, which will go on lifelong. This type of teacher not only earn the respect but also bring about visible changes, in the personality of their students. 

If the teacher notices in his students that particular spark of attaining goals at any cost, then It becomes the responsibility of a good teacher to inspire the student in developing a certain attitude that can help to channel his spark into a productive and creative one. 

The story of his achievements always keeps reminding him of the big difference which has been made by his teacher through his inspirational ideas during the process of learning. These kinds of teachers are always viewed their students as a teacher of a lifetime.

If the student is caring and very hard working this behavior implies what kind of impression has been put on him through the process of teaching. 

How good is the teacher who focused not only on observation but develops a kind of affinity, that helps the student to adapt himself even in an unfamiliar environment? This behavior indicates evidently that students have got an opportunity to learn more from the hardworking and caring attitude of the teacher rather than his style.

It is said if students are coming from strong family backgrounds it makes it easier to compliance the procedure of teaching because they possess the required eligibility, it gets a little bit tough to handle students of just opposite backgrounds. 

This thing does not affect a teacher of a certain caliber any type of student can be taught by superior teachers who know their job very well those teachers try to influence these students in a manner that they make their way of functioning better, more effective, and smarter. 

Passion is the most important and common thing that makes the difference in the teaching-learning process, whether, in the students or the teachers, which makes things possible. 

Passion gives you strength in taking on any task. It has been seen the power of passion helps to draw out the best not only in pupils but in teachers as well. It gives the experience of a lifetime.

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