Character determines or reflects your true vision and mission

 Sow a thought, and you reap an act;

Sow an act, and you reap a habit;

Sow a habit, and you reap a character;

Sow a character, and you reap a destiny. Samuel ,

Psychologists believe those who always keep working on building their character fair and strong enough, then it means they have not to work hard only but be patient as well because any kind of practice or change takes a lot of time and effort. 

First of all, a person should accept that specific part of his temperament that he feels earnestly to work on. Sometimes it has been noticed, that the need for change turns into a huge challenge, and the one who is ready to put any of his things at stake for improvement, comes out as a winner in the end. It sounds very tough in itself to develop one's part of the character accordingly but it becomes the toughest to make it fair and logical enough. 

It can enhance your reasoning power and help you in taking decisions, which can bring transformation not only in you but in society as well. Sometimes it has been seen, that one factor you are working on for a change, at the same time another component of your character is found related to that one which you are trying to change as per need. It may even create a  kind of dilemma and make you unable to reach any decision it indicates that a long way to go and the hardest time to go through as well.

The character has got an asset of human life. If a person tries to understand another individual he always evaluates the way of his /her behaviour. A person can never be judged based on his outer appearance and accumulations. If the calculations regarding the temperament of a person are entirely made on his/her outer gains or earnings then this type of calculation regarding personality traits will always remain in doubt and speculation. 

Because doubts and speculations can never pave way for the solid ideas or opinions. A man's behaviour is the combination of mental and physical actions and how well these actions are controlled or balanced during experiences of new ideas matters the most in giving a proper shape to your personality. 

As we all know that well-balanced things always create a wonderful impact on anything so how can the personality ain untouched? Those who are confident enough in their traits, never renounce their calmness, on trivial issues and become friends with others at any time anywhere because they usually understand the value of their inner assets so they don't feel any need for useless scuffles and viewpoints.

Sometimes a person’s level of confidence determines what kind of person he /she will be in the later stages of his/ her life. This kind of confidence may help to make himself more convenient and acceptable for the people, and the same response is given to others in return. 

Because the modesty of a person assists him in perceiving how can the many doors of alliances and heavenly bliss be opened for others also. Modesty and knowledge teach us that this world is much more than I, me, and me. If you are not ready to consider the worth of others' self-mastery and even their existence then how can anyone expect the same kind of temperament from those who are mainly sufferingng due to your unfair conduct? 

The nature of forgiving and forgetting prepares a commendable path of survival for the whole of humanity. Try to understand If anyone never forgets then how could he forgive, when the people will keep themselves Indulging in useless censuring and tampering? It fills the surroundings with negativity which can be enough to ruin anyone.

If the negative outlook is not checked on the time it will shift your mood and can make you implicated in those situations of life that may not be solved so easily . Sometimes it has been witnessed that the lack of positivity snatches away your real identity and if it happens, you can not retain the power of optimism. Then health, wealth, even your fine looks, nothing can make any difference  because the saviour of your character is at stake. 

A person should have the conviction to practice the actions of those exceptional people of tremendous moral values with clarity of their thoughts which should be surely reflected in his mission and visions. These are the things that can enhance positivity in your character. If you wish to see or feel something good around you then just bow your head and look for it within you rather than look for it in others. Believe me,  it will work.

"People of character do the right thing even if no one else does, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world.,"Michael Josephson


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