What significance lies in hope and does faith play a vital role in life? we have noticed or it can be said that when we are struggling against the twist and turns in life whether it is within us or outside. it has acknowledged that it is merely our hope and faith that keep us going even in our struggling period. 

Despite unexpected misfortunes and several other hurdles of different sorts could never seize a person's capability to take on new ventures. A person who always remains hopeful and has firm faith in his ideas and dreams then nothing can in this world make him distracts or disturb him. 

This kind of person always tries to learn from the experience whether it is good or bad, he tries to explore himself through his or somebody else experiences. He should try to improve his power of tolerance, and he should never let hardships go over his head. 

If it happens and he surrenders instead of dealing with the situation, the first thing that loses or kills is faith in overcoming,  it becomes difficult for him to come out from the worst phase of life. Seeing his cowardice hope hides under the cover of despair. 

It tends that darkness can never be removed without enlightening the world within you. If anyone wishes to see that things should be executed properly in the physical world then it must be started from the inner world of yours. You can try to claim possession of your part of happiness but without making any kind of haggling on others' freedom of contentment. 

Don't ever try to take it as a duty it will make feel that you are in the cage of obligation. You have to keep in mind that knowledge could never thrive in the four walls of a well.

I would like to say something regarding richness, mere possession of wealth can never guarantee anybody’s contentment. Can it? I feel richness depends on, how the people around him are also made to feel contented or benefited in their hours of need. It is good to estimate the worth of your pleasure, but sometimes the calculations of others' joy, and what kind of efforts are being made to enhance the level of others' happiness can satisfy you more than anything else. 

This wonderful gesture of a person is enough to prove something incredible is going to happen because a person’s good work and deeds will become a memory for those who are benefitted through the richness of his thoughts.

It is the fact that not only hard work can make things possible but also no one in life gets exactly the way it is dreamt or expected without working hard, Things certainly happen to you but you never find it as amazing as you had dreamt. 

After that, you begin to think the way you shouldn't, and the question arises, why do things not happen the way expected? It has been seen that people not only begin to lose heart but the courage and confidence also. They never try to understand the whole process of ups and downs, it is part of life if they don't try to fit themselves in the situation then they should stop to think about the amazing impacts. 

When they are unable to push themselves to that particular level of hardness that can help to produce the desired result, they keep going on his set parameters, without realizing the fact that their faith and hope both are at stake.

Believe me, It is not about satisfaction, hope, or faith. It is about how to live, it becomes difficult to tackle when a person begins to analyze things the way he is, instead of understanding in a manner the things exist. 

Everything can be accomplished but it should not only be based on desires but hard work and conviction also. How persistency can help you to enhance your talent will become the biggest resource to shape the quality of your future life.