. “he body loves routine. Try to eat, sleep, and so on at the same times every day for the body to function at its optimum efficiency. The body loves consistency.” – Theresa Hearn Haynes

 A person's health, wealth, actions, and way of taking things do not depend merely on desires but mostly depend on, the choices that are taken at present. Today the choices a person likes to go with, are the same kind of results he will get tomorrow. 

Health is one of the most important parts of human life. Being healthy doesn't mean only the wellness of physical and mental health. Because It goes with a healthy environment that can never remain healthy in the absence of social, spiritual, and intellectual wellness. If these prominent aspects of life get neglected it will create a negative rippling effect on all these factors of healthy life. 

That's why in recent years it has been noticed that educators also consider the proper development of health factors as one of the sole objectives of education. Most schools and colleges try to introduce specific rules not only in theoretical form but also to motivate the students to adopt them practically. Physical education makes the students realize, how they can remain the owner of a healthy body, mind, brain, and emotions. 

The current educational system believes in the holistic development of children. This fact can never be overlooked and it becomes the duty of educational institutions to focus on physical development behavior to maintain emotional balance. Here I would like to discuss certain traits of personality that also play a role in making an impact on different health behavior in many other ways. 

Personality Traits

1) Some people vehemently react to the comparisons of others due to stress. The level of stress increases the chances of having different ailments and cardiac vascular disease (CVD). Reactivity plays an active role in developing different ailments. Researchers are of the view that activities like workouts, competitiveness, smoking, video games, and others can produce stress. Enmity, aggression, and lack of control all these actions lead to a reaction.

 2) Herbert and Cohen have found in their studies that when stress is mixed up with rough behavior it gets tough to deal with and for the heart, patients can be toughest. This kind of tendency can play a main role in increasing the risk of cardiac vascular disease  (CVD).

 3) Stress and anxiety bring negativity to environment and it affects the badly on the mentality of a person.

 4) Researcher Like R.C. Kessler finds in his study that many incidents of stress in regular Intervals can maximize the level of stress and may convert stress into depression. But those who have the ability and use other resources to fight back stress don’t suffer from depression.

 5) Often two different types of things can be noticed stress affects some people very badly, while, it doesn't imply any kind of impact on others. It can be said that those who have got the inner strength to face the challenges never fall prey to ailments. So it is all about control and challenge.

"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we give us all the best opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people.” – Fred Rogers

The Indian concept of healthcare

 In the Vedic period, health is used to emphasize in India as a concept of a beautiful body and a beautiful mind. It was the central fact of this period, that man was not only considered a source of high ethical values, but his body should also be strong and muscular. As we all know that Ayurvedic science is entirely based on the theory of five elements these are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and sky. It is believed that all these elements are part of man's creation.

 Indian philosophy marked the human body has three fundamental constituents,  Body, Tissues, and Impurities it is supposed that all these are created through these five elements. Ayurveda includes the soul and mind as the part of human body composition.

 It is believed in  Ayurveda that every person is different in terms of inheritance, and everyone has got his nature. So if anyone wants to develop his lifestyle then he should understand the nature of his mind. Nowadays, this ideology is authorized by the western treatment process also.


As it is very obvious that an unhealthy person can neither do any good for himself nor society. As a basic right, all individuals should be provided fair reach to all kinds of health benefits irrespective of religion caste, financial condition, and political ideology. 

Health is always considered an invaluable treasure, a person should consider himself very lucky if it has been gifted by God in abundance and he has to merely work on it to maintain these benefits of health. 

Those who have not been bestowed with plenty of these blessings through God they should never be disheartened it is not a big issue they are supposed to focus more to keep themselves fit. Because neglecting normal precautions in healthcare can lead to disastrous consequences. So it’s very important to find those ways that bring your mind and body back into balance. 

It is believed a healthy person can never lose hope. We should work hard to maintain a level of emotional hygiene it will help us to preserve a healthy mind and attitude. The sensible thought process enhances the frequency of goodness in behavior until it is not interfered with by unhealthy issues.

If you have the desire to turn your dreams into reality, there is one thing that should be paid attention its health, which means treating your health as the biggest asset of life success should be attained but not at the cost of health. It is well said, that health should never be tried to put at stake for gaining success because losing wealth can make you sad for the time being but the loss of health can become the saddest phase of life.