If you anticipate being unwound or stressed free then first of all you have to focus on those thoughts, which are holding you back from positivity by prevailing negativity in the surroundings.

Believe me, respite is the mode that can happen the way a person works on it rather than expecting it. A lot of people are there normally remain anxious due to some or other reasons, their habit of getting worried even over petty things can change anxiety into stress. If you have any kind of fear it certainly takes to anxiety and the unsung pain will begin.

It has been noticed that those who have got fear within become perplexed about trivial issues, It leads to anxiety when it increases, and it changes into stress. If it inflates to that level when the direction to consult a  psychiatrist becomes essential it indicates depression, this type of situation should never be taken lightly.

As it is believed that emotions come mainly from beliefs, interpretations, and reactions to the circumstances in our life. During the process of convalescence psychiatrists or counsellors make people learn to check their beliefs which leads to emotional and behavioural difficulties.
It is supposed that it is not mainly the situation that people find themselves in, but their beliefs about it or regarding themselves, form their feelings and behaviours focus is on thinking and conducting. Through various techniques psychiatrists and counsellors make people realize that they should learn the process of choosing effective beliefs for healthy feelings and behaviours.
I had never come across a person, who was going through a severe anxiety disorder. As it is said, a little bit of imbalance might be noticed in anyone anywhere. Now I would like to tell you, that how I came across the very first case of anxiety disorder that had been noticed. She was my cousin who used to come to spend her vacation with us. She was very bubbly and vivacious, and normally gave the impression that she was full of different feelings and ideas.
But last year when she visited us for vacation her specific behavioural changes were enough to make anybody amazed, they could easily be noticed. She became so quiet, no more than dumb, and sometimes her bitterness could easily be marked on those issues on which earlier she never paid attention.
The most uncommon and unexpected change was that now she couldn't sleep without having sleeping pills, it was very shocking for us because she was the one, who never liked to be part of late-night parties because she was habitual of going to bed before 11 at night. Nobody could come between her and her sleep. It was very obvious that something had gone wrong somewhere, The cause of her anxiousness had lain hidden under the depth of silence.
I wanted to know the reason of her  sleepless nights and  why had he got compelled to take up this type of medication. I still remember, the days when she used to be healthy, fit and fine. I asked  her the reason of this drastic change but it seemed that she was not ready to talk about it . I made up my mind to  bring her out from the shell of secrecy because It was suffocating not only her personality but also creating troublesome situation for the people around her.
I told her to come out from this secret silence if she didn't,  it might increase the level of severity of anxiety.   Sometimes it becomes necessary to share the problem with your well-wishers if you do so it might be enough to make you feel better. It doesn't mean at all that the suggestions that are provided during the conversation should be followed. The soothing conversation with your ffriend not only helps you to stay positive from within but this positivity makes those doors open which wereblockede previously by your negative thoughts and beliefs.
I took her out and said," there is no need to take any kind of useless tension", We are not here to talk over the previous issues and let leave them buried under the ground, no need to dig them up. If she doesn't sense talking about those things or is even not comfy to go ahead with the previous incidents, then okay leave it. Even I am also not interested to drag you back in the past”.
The previous experiences whether good or bad should try to keep in one corner of the mind, to enjoy the best moments, in leisure, while the bad one, always keeps reminding you which mistake should not be repeated in the future. So stop getting rigorous to react in the same old manner because if the decisions are taken in the favor of the future  it will be enough to  determine how a person  opts to defend himself against tension and despair.”
I noticed certain changes in her behaviour after this conversation, now she was more open about talking regarding the issues, and one day she told me everything. It was not personal at all. She left her job to start a new venture but things didn't work out the way she was expecting. She was required to raise funds but whoever she approached for the investment didn't work. Sometimes her ideas or working strategies couldn't enough to impress them, and sometimes being a new thing got rejected. I drew the conclusion based on her tale, that she could neither handle the pressure nor the rejection.
Even she was unable to understand the simple fact of any business It is a process of trial and error. So those who are not capable enough to handle the pressure and rejection and don't have the required patience and tolerance power, no need to jump into this field of trades a person should be more capable of dealing with everyday stresses otherwise get ready to regret due to your own negligence.
Now she knew well, that she needed to make some serious changes she had to work more on her thought process which helped her to improve her ability to cope with her negative it.
