What does handicap mean? It means those people who are mentally physically or emotionally suffering from one or other types of deficiencies or disabilities in comparison to other simple or average people whose achievements might be left incomplete. 

A person who is suffering from one or other deficiency can have both defects and abnormalities. Our general system of education is also devised for the average and normally healthy children But now the whole scenario is changing rapidly due to the advancement of technology. 

New techniques are opening many doors of hope for all those who have got certain defects but still dare to take up the challenges. Now the modern teacher seems concerned not only with the development of a majority of average children but also with the progress of backward and defective or impaired children. These deficiencies can be categorized into  points that have been discussed below

These deficiencies can be categorized into the following points that have been discussed below-:
Physically Handicap -:  Almost any internal or external organs of the body can get deformed through defects it is not possible to list all the defects. In the begging, those defects that can create problems in the field of education are paid much attention to. 

Handicaps of the Eye-: 
This is an organ of the body that has considered important from an educational perspective, As for as children are concerned some defects are innate and even hereditary but many others are the result of excessive stress on the eye. 

Schools should provide facilities for regular periodical eye check-ups of the children in case of any problem it should be treated on time otherwise the small one in no time will become big. Besides making arrangements for a cure we should focus on preventive measures. 
The power of the eyes can be maintained and increased through such experiments as splashing cold water on the eyes, standing facing the sun early in the morning closing the eyes with deep breathing, consuming almonds, white pepper, etc.  I would like to recommend a very useful book on this topic to get a better idea, that is  Henry Benjamin's “Better Sight Without Glasses". 

Defect of the Ear-: 
The deficiency of the ear can also be as harmful as the eye. If the child is born deaf he remains dumb also because no language can not be learned without hearing. But the deaf can learn many things it can help them to achieve their position in society. 

It is the responsibility of teachers, elders, and all the well-wishers to denote some of their time and attention as well to solve their problems. We should always keep in mind that there is another thing in this world that can not be solved if a person is determined for it. 
The children should be examined regularly so that in case of any issue can be cured on time. Usually deaf suffer more when they are walking on the road or any crowded place, they easily get the idea of front traffic but they are unable to get an idea of behind their back.

Defective speech-: 
When a person is affected by a defect of speech, such as shambling over words, mispronunciation, etc. Many of these defects can be gotten rid of through a single expedient. Demosthenes the fitness speaker of Greece stammered since birth. He made a habit of going to the seashore and speaking with pebbles in his mouth a habit that finally cured him of the trouble after he has prepared with it for a long time. 
If a person wishes to speak correctly these things should be focused on from pre-adolescence. Whenever the child pronounces any word wrongly it must be rectified then and there. It doesn't mean at all creating complexities, at a very early age because such a method can affect his emotional development adversely. 
If a child persists in stuttering and faltering he should sympathetically handled . Neither he should be felt looked down upon nor criticized negatively. It is the responsibility of a family and well-wishers to boost his confidence to take it healthily.

Crippled Children-: 
Some children get crippled in accidents or due to negligence. This kind of children face problems in adjustments and adaptation and sometimes they are roughed up by some other children. It has been noticed that some parents start showing their disgust at their child’s cripple condition. But sensible parents can never behave like that they always encourage their children to adjust to society. 

Mental Handicap -: 
Besides physical defects and abnormalities one also finds mental shortcomings and abnormalities. For instance some children have very low intelligence quotient and those scored below 20 are regarded as mentally retarded. While those who show the signs of abnormal intelligence quotient, and scored  130 and above are considered gifted or exceptional.  
Mental complexes in form of superiority, and inferiority, are more common conditions, in the mind of these sorts of children, and the easy effects of all these complexes can not reduce so easily. Some children are also subject to epileptic and other types of fits. 
However certain extreme mental disease needs experts' advice and guidance for better results. Sometimes manifestation of mental diseases is misinterpreted as an excess of obstinacy, the child is severely punished by the teachers and the parents as well. 
If the child has got complexes then it should be treated with sympathy love, and understanding with a little bit of common sense being thrown in for good measures.