What we are going to be in future, Does it entirely depend on those lessons that we do learn from our past experiences? If it is true, then how much the previous lessons do help us in taking the right decisions? 

When it appears to you, that the processes are not feeding sound inklings of whether your inferences or choices are in the right direction or not. In this situation, it is expected, that a person should peep into his/her past, to become familiar with specific planning which had got failed to produce results in the past, and it must be made sure, those mistakes do not be reflected, in any tasks of the present.

People generally ask, why are they suggested to look back on the past when the many other options dispersed in front of them are more promising. I feel it is advised, to just peep into the past and estimate those standards that had been set earlier willingly or unwillingly, those compromises that made him lead on the path of failure, should not supposed to be repeated at any cost. 

we usually tend to live life on our thought process rather than the way it is experienced, and when a person's experiences get blended with his thoughts then certain myths begin to occupy their space in the stature of life. 

As we know well that our experiences and the things we think are based on two different perceptions. Our experiences are connected with our actual happenings while thought processes can remain unchanged and sometimes this inept thinking is enough to create problems and confusion in life.

Experience makes you learn, how to improvise the things that could not only help lessen the pain but also enhances the capability of making the right moves in future. Experience teaches us that it is far better to look forward and focus on today. If you have still got a bit of hold on your targets in the reflection of previous understandings, and if the experience is good then continue with that by adding more feathers in your cap.

The problem arises when you get an experience which is not good or even tolerable, it proves the true test of your capability. As soon as you shift your focus from bad to good and start to solve issues by making changes and considering certain innovative ideas, they will not only work but might be proved fruitful and result oriented also in future.

Always in the morning wake up, and push yourself with new energy and determination, so that today you will get the tasks back on your side, and you should have that vision thatt helps to rekindle your reach to the mission. It makes you realize if any task seems difficult it will remain like this, till you don’t put effort to make it easy.

We should not ever neglect the truth that experience helps us to be more sensible.  Knowledge not only gives you the whole idea of this world but also makes you realize the biggest fact that if you don’t like and wish to bring change in anything it is very simple, just make a glance within yourself, I mean to say, you are just supposed to begin this process from you, it will be more beneficial and open the various path to success. 

On the contrary, it becomes the toughest task to gain, if you wish to make changes in the people or the things around you. Believe me, it will always remain a wish, until you don’t look within yourself, for those flaws which are supposed to be ripped out from your character, before pointing a finger at the blunders of others.

It is  accepted, that human beings have got both shades of white and black in their character, white represents goodness while black reflects certain flaws and bleakness, which works as the biggest obstacle in making progress. It is experienced that without making a hurry we should always keep analysing ourselves at regular intervals to get an idea of where we exactly stand before making changes in others.

Experience helps you understand, how to move into the future without carrying the burden of unnecessary stress and agony of your past. The less of a bad impact would be taken from the past the least pain will be felt in future. Knowledge makes you more skilful and improves your ability to utilise those things that can make a visible difference in anybody's life.