Yesterday my two friends were arguing very strongly about imitation, one was of the view that 'originality will make you at the apex of life,' while the other one was stuck to his statement that 'nothing is original in this world .' Both were sounding very rational with their point of view.
  It seemed that the argument would not come to an end until or unless they were stopped by someone who could throw light on the topic in such a different way that should be enough to catch their attention. At the same time, fortunately, the other one got a call from her mother, she had instructed her to reach home soon, so the discussion got ended.
   This argument somewhere compels me to accept that originality does not exist, it just exists in our minds but not on the ground of reality. Many times it has been noticed, that there are a lot of similar things, that people generally choose to do, but the ratio of success depends on that how authentically and differently the things have been done.
  In case an individual tries to copy or steal things, then this thing should directly appeal to his soul because creativity exists there, it paves the way for authenticity, and it is invaluable. Because somewhere authenticity might save you from the allegations of thievery or copying.
   It is not very important from where you have got the inspiration to select the specific idea or thing, the importance lies only in the way it has made to reach the top, and then let the work speak for you. After that, there will be no need to conceal anything from anybody.
  Whenever a person gets inspired by any outstanding work of other people, not a big deal, first of all, you have to perceive the whole concept logically. Otherwise, it could create that kind of illusion which will not only be enough to unmask you but could also push you into a puddle of uncertainty.
  In this situation, even your inner voice shall become inaudible. Don't ever let imitation swallow up your authenticity, it can finish your vision of being authentic, especially when you select a comparable task to fulfil.
  As it is believed that imitation is an instinct for all living beings. Many times it has been seen as imitation is the instinct that animals use as a way to learn. The research shows that those animals that get separated or left behind in the developing stage, then they suffer a lot in the absence of various and necessary survival techniques.
   Young babies suffer higher mortality rates, in comparison to those who stay with their mothers and learn most of the essential survival techniques by imitating them. Therefore it can easily be caught a glimpse of if newly born get separated they suffer a lot even in adapting to their natural habitat. Imitation is natural it is part of human nature. We usually learn a lot of things by imitating our parents.
   It has been noticed that how a child keeps repeating of his own the same words or the small phrases he hears from the elders around him. Sometimes he imitates his parent's way of walking and talking also.
  Nobody can ever deny the fact, that whether it is humans or animals imitation plays a big role. Therefore young babies to grown-ups are instinctively found imitating their peers.
  While they are walking in the group they always like to follow their leader only. If one smart trick or process is found out it is undoubtedly imitated by others without much hustle. 

I would like to draw your attention to that  It is not very important, how do you imitate others? The importance of imitation lies in, how smartly you do it. We should always keep a simple rule of imitation in mind, the more things are done smartly, the more creative and original you will be.