How can anyone or anything be categorised in the low and high frames of life? Why does a man try to discriminate against things and people which is entirely based on categorical misstatements? Because nobody could understand the worth of highs without going through a few phases of lows in life.
All of us being human have got certain unbearable moments of darkness, and sometimes we have got the best and most beautiful moments of light to enjoy too. So it’s nothing new about it. Many questions in the form of whys, hows, and whats, begin to keep crawling in your mind like insects before it starts nibbling and gets chaotic, then the way you respond to deal with all these questions decides, the way destiny will work for you.
The lows in life pave the way for your improvement the more a person gets to improve the more light starts penetrating from the hole of darkness. Whearce In highs the tremendous moments of great light create many doors of success and let them open for you to enter.
After acquiring success, especially those who haven't gone through the bad or low phase of life, make themselves busy to live life accordingly, with satisfaction + by adding, sorrows - by subtracting, joys ×by multiplying and mishaps÷ by dividing and these kinds of people do not only start categorizing others in lows and highs but even try to take liberty in making certain degrading statements about those who are going through the bad phase.
I would like to tell you, why does it happen? It happens because somewhere they forget, that there is an ultimate power who knows very well how necessary it is to maintain balance so He is there and makes all = equal.
If you also know and accept, that life is all about those balances, that should not only be tackled wisely but also welcome them as type of a bliss in disguise. which Inspires us in making improvements in ourselves.
God never does any sort of inequity. He not only provides equal opportunities but gives each and everything in fair proportions to all of us, it all depends on the ways the people decide to take all these experiences in their lives. It is noticed, sometimes, that a man lives in the hut yet smiles. On the other hand, sometimes a man with all types of richness and facilities feels sad due to one or the other reason.
It is all about the mindset, in case anyone has made up his mind, that he won't let negativity and sadness make their space within him. Then positivity prevails and tries to cease all those types of negative and gloomy thoughts that might develop a kind of imbalance in life.
Don't let your emotions take complete hold of you in any way. If emotions become your master, life will get difficult, with a lot of lows. Highs could get disappear, negativity tries to invade your mind, and progress will be halted in the lack of a positive approach. When a person is attempting new ventures, from the beginning till achieving them, be sure, there are many obstacles to remove, and more mistakes to learn from.
As we all know that nobody is perfect in the world, so failing again and again, shouldn't make much difference, especially for one who has got fixed his head on his shoulders. His spirit of bouncing back compels him to remove all those hurdles from the way, as weeds get uprooted from the grass.
These types of situations make a man prepare how to face extreme highs and extreme lows. Many times It has been seen those who never lose their confidence and are even not ready to give up, then definitely the lowest lows in life pave the way for their highest highs. Two things are trying and crying, If you always keep trying, without getting tired of losing or failing then one-day cries will sob under the cover of your good fortunes.
The serious issues that can not be resolved so easily, are generally about that person, who always keeps busy thinking that he has nothing, he is no more than a loser.
While those influential people are being followed by him, for different reasons, and he not only wishes to enter in their shoes but wants to live their life also. It happens, because he never gets a chance, to observe their situations closely otherwise many cracks in their ground reality get visible, and how hard these people are also struggling to repair the damage by pulling themselves to fix their things accordingly.
In the whole process of this blind observation, he doesn't pay attention or try to focus on those people who are there to think admiringly of him and desire to attain his place.
Nobody has got the right to set, specific standards for those, who are going through the fastest highs, and some different norms for those who are facing the slowest lows. Could this apply to all .? If a person feels good right now, he starts feeling sad the next moment.
Both situations will be categorized as highs and lows. They are merely feelings that keep changing and get reflected in the mood of an individual. It is very simple to deal with it just neither expect too much from anyone nor compel yourself to do anything by going out of the way not to make anyone feel high or happy in life.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know