I still remember that once a blurred picture was given to elaborate on in the writing competition. Certain rules were there to be followed. These are usually mentioned to judge any kind of competitive aptitude.
This blurred picture became a big secret of secret. The view was not clear at all in certain parts of the picture, which could indicate anything. Even some of them were unable to recognize whether it was human or animal.
They understood the fact that wide perspectives should be exploited in a broader way to prove themselves as promising writers. It was a test of their understanding of how creative, imaginative, and innovative they were! All the contestants delivered the concepts in their own way.
As it was obvious the students viewed pictures in many different ways and how efficiently they caught the ideas to elaborate, it was visible in their stories or articles that were based on various topics horror, humour, happiness, and sadness. Which was genuinely reflecting their true talent.
It was tried well to put many different notions and narratives into expressions accordingly. There is a simple rule of being competitive that is supposed to follow, it is “always try to be yourself and also be focused to be real and honest”.
Those who understand the real essence of competition know very well whatever is written on paper or drawn on canvas might be an ordinary piece of work, but should never give the impression of copying someone else’s work.
Those who take part in this kind of competition understand well that specific rules and regulations not only set a mood for a healthy contest but also help a lot in proving their strengths or capabilities in sharpening and awakening their hidden talent.
It has been noticed that the intense feeling of competition encourages them to go beyond their limits. As a result, innovation and creativity begin to make space in their perceptions and perspective, and wonderful outcomes start making waves of enthusiasm through their artistic work.
Whenever things are perceived by utilizing a good combination of the head, eyes, and heart and mixing it well with innovative ideas and the power of creativity, then a masterpiece may come out from the treasure of knowledge.
It always helps to keep you on your toes and will prepare you to accept any kind of challenge in the world as well. Competition makes the person learn a great lesson which prepares him to grow more and helps in taking out the best in him.
It always sounds good to be excited about the contest itself rather than just getting busy concerning with whom you are competing. We have to keep one thing in mind that competition should be healthy, and free from biased opinions and various prejudices.
It is observed, that fair contests always encourage or motivate or even sometimes compel you to throw all insecurities and other weaknesses of yours into the furnace of strengths and hard work and come out with pure vision, great conviction and strong willpower.
If we observe children during the competition, we can see how happy they are by being a part of the competition and how they are enjoying every moment without any hassles and worries. There is no competition in them, hence for them, it is not about victory only. Sometimes, just participating gives such an experience which helps children a lot in making them more enthusiastic and competitive.
How the competition tastes you it entirely depends on the way competition is taken. What kind of mood has been set whether you wish to go with a high aspirations or the low one? Your thought process can make a big difference in a quandary in the level of competition.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know