When the improvement measures begin with oneself, both dignity and identity can be sustained.


What kind of thought process makes a person feel happy or even great, to go with? When he discovers that it is much better to be disliked for who he is rather than blindly followed for what he isn't?

 If a person neither pays attention nor tries to cease this at the right time, it will undoubtedly work maliciously in building their whole personality as a deceptive one, and they might face a big identity crisis as well. Their true potential can never be recognized and properly utilized.

  I would like to mention an incident that happened a few years back. There was a man who used to live in my friend's neighbourhood and people used to say that he was a very humble, brave and intelligent man, and probably he was. In case of any kind of proper advice or support, he was always looked up to for better outcomes. 

But sometimes, in trying to prove himself as an apostle of all goodness, he went beyond his limits. This is where a certain type of deception began. The difference could easily be seen, between the person he actually is, and he is admired or understood to be, by others.

It seems that there might be two reasons. First, when an individual starts enjoying great admiration from people, it sometimes becomes insincere, but he neither wishes nor tries to reject their irrelevant demands. Second, this level of appreciation is not only enough to make him overwhelmed but also leads him on the track where he loses control over the issues, that should have been controlled earlier.

They ignore the fact that sometimes delay or denial can also lead to better outcomes. If the effort is not made on time, not only their dignity but also their identity could be at stake.

The same thing happened to that man who never seemed in favour to say no to anything, without realising that sometimes merely denial could serve his purpose well by keeping his dignity maintained and also helped to save him from the identity crisis. 

Eventually, it had been noticed that either he was obsessed with the huge appreciation he was getting from others or the things were no longer remaining in his hands to divert his attention from the irrelevant facets of praise. Many things stopped working for that person the way they used to in the past. 

Because there is a simple thing to understand: one who reaches the top will eventually come down automatically. If he is not ready to accept this simple truth of life, then the situation might get worse and cannot help him to blossom and grow on his path of finding his true identity.

As we all know, any kind of identity crisis can block all paths to pleasure and commitment. It paves the way for malicious and fake behaviour when one stops exploring their inner self with an open heart. 

People also cease to show the respect that a man used to receive in the past. It has become painful for him to accept this unexpected change in others' behaviour. His previous generosity is no longer remembered by those who benefited from it in the past.

The one who is not going through any identity issues always keeps on moving in the direction that confirms it is the right one to choose. He knows well that any dispute, confusion and conflict can decrease the level of all-around development. 

When the voices around you begin to address only your negative aspects and try to make allegations, just like how worthless, spurious and confused your personality is, all these points remain useless till you will not let yourself allow to look into your dark side, because it is the origin of self-rejection.

The blow that is made by Self-rejection proves worst rather than the rejection of the people around you. It could finish all the optimistic approaches. So always keep boosting your morale to achieve desired results in the path of success.

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