A true leader always believes in the significance of freedom of expression and reciprocity.

 It has been observed that human beings always keep striving to do better in life. Our constant evolution and proper transition not only help us in creating a good environment but also make us more responsible towards those who are coming after us or have decided to follow us.

 Somewhere it is felt that this responsibility is bigger if some of the people decide to follow your ways of taking things, but this responsibility becomes the biggest and the toughest too when not only they make up their mind to follow your footsteps but also have a strong desire, to remain part of every vision & mission of yours. 

When all these people knowingly or unknowingly begin to look up to you as their leader and after this, a lot of things start revolving around you. Because as a fact a good and competent leader neither believes nor ever likes to create followers, he always keeps focusing to create more and more leaders. 

It is not an easy task to look for leadership qualities in the followers but it gets more challenging to make them aware of the qualities within them. 

A leader has to be focused on what kind of examples should be set that will help to create positivity around him. An efficient leader knows the truth very well that merely precepts can never make any kind of difference but if things are proven by setting examples it can cast a spell on anyone .

A leader who is moving ahead with specific vision and conviction, without a thought of giving up and has decided to make the world a better place to live in. 

This is necessary part of leadership, and he should try to understand the people, whom he is going to instruct. A person who knows how to deal with aspirations can lead well. Being a leader is not a title it is a great responsibility in itself. 

A leader tries to stay positive because he believes that it will help in spreading fair vibes around him. People always expect leaders to be vocal, especially when there is a pressing need to raise a voice against any kind of injustice and negligence.

A leader is one who not only encourages people to keep working but even in his absence inspires them not to ignore their goals or ambitions even for a moment. This specialty demonstrates how impactful a leader he is! Most leaders do not like to follow the routine path; they always prefer to choose something unusual and pave their own way. 

One should develop qualities that help in establishing oneself as a leader among the masses, even without holding any prestigious position or title, but where followers take commands as commitment. 

Leaders should have enough confidence to make the right decisions at the right time. A leader knows well how to take ownership and responsibility when needed. A true leader neither gets angry on irrelevant issues nor tries any sort of provision to make everyone happy at the same time. 

The logic behind it is very simple: the relevant issues might be missed if the irrelevant topics are paid undue attention. In the same way, nobody has that magic wand whose touch is enough to create a path of comfort for everyone. 

People may stop responding to a leader who is less sure regarding his vision and mission. As a leader, he should be convinced enough of his objectives. Any 'less' can throw the followers into the ditch of various doubts and speculations, and it may cease their willpower to attain more and more in life. 

A good leader always looks for more in everything rather than less. A leader should know how to involve people, how to arrange conditions and initiate processes that will surely bring out the best in them. 

As we all know, in a democratic process, a leader can never be a dictator or despotic. So it is expected that the people should not be dragged and forced to blindly follow him. A leader can inspire or encourage them to feel free to express themselves in any way. 

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