We all accept this simple truth of life: words hold great power in themselves. Whatever a person feels and decides is conveyed through the tongue, which works as a vehicle for communication and expression. It has been noticed that sometimes a person fails to understand the importance of choosing the right words because the accuracy of words can turn time in your favour, while evil, harsh, or meaningless words can be enough to shift your time in a bad phase. So we should be more cautious in the selection of words. The way we use them not only creates understanding but also fosters connections and inspires positive change.
Undoubtedly, choice of words adds more significance to the conversation. We all know the fact that words act as a powerful tool that not only has the ability to enhance the meaning of the society but also strengthens the relationships, in a way which is visible through various changes. When words are chosen thoughtfully, it will definitely help you in forming the thoughts with which you want to create a healthy environment. Whatever a person says and the way it is understood by others determines the rules for future communication. If the message is taken as told then the problem will never arise.
People generally say that we should choose our words very carefully, now a question arises in our mind: why should we be cautious enough in choosing our words? The answer is very simple: The words we speak have the ability to be understood or to create a bridge or to create an obstruction. By becoming aware of the choice of our language, we can create an atmosphere of support, respect, and cooperation. Through true expression, we can establish connections, enhance relationships, and facilitate creative communications that lead to positive results.
The world of words has got the power to shape our perceptions and perspectives. The responsibility bestowed upon us to wield them judiciously is paramount. We should take all kinds of responsibilities with ease, determination and awareness that the words we select have the potential to sow seeds of change, nurturing a culture of understanding, harmony, and empowerment.
In the world of words, we have the power to give shape to our beliefs and visions. We have been given the responsibility to use them judiciously. We must take all types of responsibilities with understanding, determination and awareness because the words chosen by us have the potential to sow the seeds of change, understanding, feeling and a culture of empowerment.
It is observed that sweet words spoken can cheer the heart, while harsh words can pierce it. For example, through encouraging and motivating language, people can be enlightened to reach their full potential and achieve excellence. Constructive criticism and feedback, are provided through tactful communication.
I don't agree with those who say that the tongue is merely a taste bud without any power to create or destroy things or situations. It is well said that the main function of the tongue is, of course, to get a perfect idea of taste and it also supports the digestive process.
However, there is something that extends its significance beyond this purpose. The tongue has the ability to create both positive and negative impacts through words. Therefore, the importance of the tongue in this specific context should never be ignored. Whatever is experienced is expressed through this tool of interaction and connection.
Here, I would like to tell you a story that I heard in my childhood. It will certainly help you understand more about the power of the tongue. There was a king who once made a banquet and ordered his clever chef to serve the best food that money could buy.
When the food was served, it was discovered that only tongue was cooked and served in many different ways as the main food course. Even the dessert was not untouched. When the king looked at the chef in displeasure, he explained,
“My lord, what excels the tongue? It personifies wisdom and learning. It helps us run businesses and deliver outstanding lectures. It helps in making people famous and popular.
With our tongue, we interact even with the Almighty. My lord, there is nothing equal to the tongue.” The king and all the guests were astonished to hear all this wit and wisdom from the cook. The next day, the king threw another banquet. This time, the king ordered the chef to prepare the worst kind of meat he could find.
Once again, the tongue was served, but this time as the worst meat. The king became furious and demanded an explanation.
Then he answered, 'My lord, can there be anything worse than the tongue?' Treasons, deaths, violence, injustices, fraud, and murder – were all debated and decided by the tongue. The tongue can devastate kingdoms, nations, people and families. What could be worse than the tongue?
The effect of words can never be underestimated or minimized. They can shape fortunes, bring people together, or at the same time, tear them apart. The tongue contains the power to heal or harm, depending on how it is used. Verbal abuse, slurs, and negative comments can cause acute pain, damage self-respect, and erode relationships.
History has shown us numerous examples where reckless words have caused combats and conflicts, and spread hatred among neighbourhoods. The power of the tongue to destroy extends beyond just individuals; it can also damage reputations and careers or negatively impact entire communities.
Moreover, the tongue plays a vital role in shaping attitudes and opinions. It has the power to influence, persuade, and impact others through the words it speaks.
The words we use can influence certain opinions or individuals. Consider the power of a charismatic orator who, through the power of his words, not only inspires a large number of people but also supports and instigates transformative societal changes. Through our choice of words, we can inspire, uplift, and create positive change in the world.
A person who never gives due importance to the tongue as a vehicle of communication and considers it just a small piece of flesh, but when its insensible use causes huge damage, things get out of control and leave them in regret.
At that time, he realizes that the words spoken can never be taken back, so the best practice is to be cautious enough while using them. Conversely, careless or meaningless words can create various problems. Therefore, it is suggested that try to be very careful while choosing words to gain better experiences and fortunes as well.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know