Do not let discomforts extinguish the flickering flame of hope

 There can be so many reasons why sometimes two individuals or groups don't like the vibes of one another and begin to feel that it's better to stay away or maintain distance. You must be thinking, what kind of issue is going to be raised in this article? A day before yesterday, one of my friends came to see me and one of our common friends was already there to enjoy.

 I observed a very strange thing: both of them were ignoring each other's presence. One of them had been sitting next to me for half an hour without uttering a single word because she used to meet people with great warmth previously, and always tried to be friendly even with strangers. 

However, she was not ready to look at that friend, although I knew she was not a chatterbox but could be considered a good companion to spend time with. This kind of behavior compelled me to ask the reason for this cold attitude towards the other friend. When the other friend left, I asked and she said that she didn't feel good with others these days. 

Their vibes no longer remained positive, I further asked how she had gotten that idea. She answered that yesterday she went there to meet her, but was ignored by her very badly.  I could understand why it happened because whatever was said  I knew the reason for that perception.

It was my turn to make her understand where things went wrong. I asked her if she remembered that last month, this friend had gone through a bad phase because her mother was seriously ill and hospitalized. I mentioned that at that time, her friend wanted to see her friends around her for mental support. I pointed out that at that time, her failure to follow the simple norms of friendship might have been noticed. 

She got annoyed and asked me how I could say this. I reminded her how carelessly the illness of a friend's mother had been ignored. She started providing various excuses, but they couldn't be considered and remained lame. It is the fact that discomfort stems from the ways of taking things. If individuals fail to have an authentic perception of themselves, it gives the impression that they are ignoring the dust off their face and remain busy cleaning the mirror for a better reflection

I do believe that discomfort envelopes us, leading to dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction then turns into anxiety, which increases the level of stress that leads to depression. The pervasive presence of discomfort becomes difficult to deal with. This type of discomfort or dissatisfaction in social predicaments can be challenging, especially when both parties involved are feeling the same way. It's important to address the issue politely and compassionately to find a resolution and move forward in a positive direction. 

The first step in dealing with discomfort is to acknowledge it. We all accept the truth that ignoring or denying the discomfort not only leads to further tension and possible misunderstandings but also makes us aware of the importance of recognizing and acknowledging that both the individuals or the groups are feeling the same way, which can validate each other's experiences and create a more open and honest dialogue.

This is the well-analyzed and well-organized truth of life: a person can never expect to get better without going through a little bit of dissatisfaction and discomfort. The one who looks for new challenges is always prepared not only to endure but also to accept discomforts in life. All these things will help you grow more and change different perspectives of life. It is observed that often the inspirations for leading a sound life come from floating through specific areas of discomfort.

Life gives an impression to all of us that one who wishes to lead a life in a better way should understand that obligations towards life can be paid in the form of going through various discomforts. Discomforts make you realize the importance of your comfort zone. If you don't go through uncomfortable situations, growth, and change will remain at stake, and fail to accept new challenges that require you to gain excellence in life. Once the discomfort has been acknowledged, it's crucial to communicate effectively. 

This means expressing your feelings in a calm and non-confrontational manner, while also being an active listener to the other person's perspective. I think by having an open and honest conversation, one can help two friends or groups to gain a better understanding of each other's emotions and work towards a resolution.

Often creativity indulges discomfort but paves the way to move with confidence as well. Any kind of dissatisfaction means that people are doing something that others are unlikely to do because they’re not ready to come out of their comfort zone. We can never forget that sometimes uncomfortable situations teach us how innovative and inspirational ideas should be made to work.

We know that the path of comfort is very crowded so it becomes important to communicate through those boundaries of discomfort clearly and respectfully,  By nurturing our mental and emotional health, we can establish a fortress against dissatisfaction, anxiety, and depression. This ultimately helps us reclaim our right to a life brimming with fulfillment and contentment. 

It is very important to approach issues and situations with an open and strong willingness to find common and relevant solutions, while also respecting the feelings and limitations of all involved. Any type of discomfort should be handled empathetically if one decides to fight back and move forward positively and harmoniously.  


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