Today I would like to discuss the importance of family in life. What big role does a family play in making our lives better? It is said that life should not always be counted by the things we have, no matter how wonderful or magical they are, unless we understand the significance of those people in our lives who not only add more value but also help make life satisfactory. It has been noticed that sometimes this value becomes enough to fill the various vacuums that would have been created through unfulfilled desires in life.

It can be perceived in this way also, whatever is said above is very simple to understand that the significance of the people whose vision and inspiration make our lives cherished, may not be compared to the value of possessions and material wealth. 

While being human it is natural to be drawn to the allure of wonderful and magical things, but the fact can never be ignored how good it is to recognize that true fulfillment and joy lie in building strong relations and always keep striving to make these contacts turn into connections. 

Now you must be thinking, is there any difference between contact and connections? Not much, but still it can be understood like this when a drop of oil is poured in a glass of water that never gets mixed. It is just a contact but mix a drop of colour in the same glass of water and vibrant results of connections can easily become seen. In the same way as humans, if we want to add richness and depth to our bonds, the foundation of these bonds should be laid on the pillars of affection, care, strength, and honesty. 

It doesn't sound hyperbolic at all if we say that the family is the first institution in the history of mankind where we learn how the threads of relationships should be woven; this part can never be excluded from life. 

The incidents, whether sweet or sour, become a part of memory lane. It is known as a fact that in the olden days, mankind used to live without any kind of organization or permanence; they were vagabonds, but the stability in bonds with their families was very clear.

 They knew how to fulfill their biological and psychological needs. Generally, in that period, the family meant husband, wife, and children. We all know that when people started farming, it was considered as the beginning of living together in a group. Farming not only provided them with reasons to stay longer in the same place but also made these small groups realize how to live together. 

This togetherness made them experience the importance of sharing each other's sorrows and happiness as neighborly gestures strengthened social relations. In this way, the concept of families began to form communities, and these communities paved the way to create a nation.

We all accept this common fact of life that proper development of a child requires a lot of parental care and affection, which is considered next to impossible in the absence of a good environment in the family. The traditions and sound values the child adopts in the family are usually followed throughout life and are not easily cast off in any situation or stage of life. 

It is through the family that the child becomes aware of the traditions and culture of the society. The family shapes the character and personality of an individual. Somewhere, it makes us realize that family is made up of different elements of culture. Family is the place where individuals feel free to move without a mask and lead their lives the way they want to live. The members of the family help in removing barriers from their path, giving them the courage to make things better. 

 The two most common family types are-:

The Nuclear Family –: two parents with their offspring living in one household.

The Joint Family-: parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts all live together in the same house as a family.

The other two types are also there--:

The reconstituted family – two partners living in one household sharing parental duties of one or more children, but only one of them is the biological parent.

The single-parent family – single parent residing with one or more children in the same household. 

It has been noticed when a new thought process impresses the family it makes it flow in upbringing and tendencies and become suitable to those specific thoughts. In every society, some values and ideals are regarded as high signs of culture. Whenever the quality of a person exhibits in greater quantity it is certainly repeated in society by others. 

 It is well observed that our society cares for religious and spiritual qualities, and also considers them supreme ones. It has been noticed that the person who has these qualities in abundance, is respected in society.

 The difference that is visible in the character and the personality of an individual, is not only due to nature, but the family environment also plays its role. If a person gets deeply influenced by any spiritual personality it will be exhibited in his attitude too. The family facilitates the determination of the importance of affection, love, care, dedication, and self-respect etc in an individual. It also contributes to providing means that can help the individual to get success in life. 

They always accept you as you are. If an individual gets involved in a complex situation, the family is always there to support them in coming out of any type of complexity. In this manner, family members encourage you to regain joy and pleasure in your life. At that time, it usually makes us realize the significance of families in our lives. 

If we want to have a strong relationship with family members, the focus should be on the way of communication. It is said that 'the better we communicate, the stronger the relationship will be.' Communication must be generous and reasonable in our day-to-day lives. 

Families always like to suggest good career options when there are many choices to select from and you are in a dilemma about which opportunity to choose for better prospects. The best part of good advice cannot be ignored because it always ensures a strong future for you.

It is our responsibility to spend quality time with our families and at regular intervals make them realize how realize they are to us. We should keep in mind that any kind of wealth and comfort can never be compared with the affection, care, and admiration of family and our near and dear ones. 

That's why these interactions have the power to fill the voids left by unmet ambitions and unfulfilled desires. The warmth and comfort offered by loved ones often outweigh the transient pleasure derived from material possessions.