Today I would like to throw light on the importance of meditation . It is said meditation is tough to perceive but easy to perform. It is all about controlling that mechanism which may create problems if not controlled on time. As we know that as long as we have things in our hands, we can work on them to deal with problems but as we lose control, it can lead to disaster and life becomes difficult. 

Those who like to be happy or positive choose meditation as part of life rather than medication. It can be said that somewhere inspiration paves the way for meditation and motivates you to meditate for a long time.

Meditation means some such methods which stimulate and develop a solid understanding about integration, simplicity, emotional sensitivity and real nature of things.  If a person engages in a specific meditation practice, he can learn and understand the structures and habits of his mind, and this type of practice provides a means of developing the soul in new or more positive spiritual ways. 

With the help of general work and patience, these nourishing, centralised situations of the mind can deepen the mind into deeply peaceful and encouraging situations.  Such experiences can have a transformative effect and can give rise to a new understanding of life. I hope this article will inspire you to meditate and promote peace.

Now we all know and also accept how important role meditation plays in our lives.  It can produce immense concentration.  This common fact can never be ignored that this is one of the best ways to remove stress.  This is the reason why it is generally considered to be a better medicine.  

Meditation also helps you in controlling your anger, stress and various types of conflicts.  It is very beneficial in calming down not only your physical but also mental conflicts.  Science has also recognized its importance in life.

Many reasons can be hidden in the light of meditation. This is why it is said that instead of investing money in medicine, invest energy in meditation.  People who meditate daily can handle the pressure of emotional difficulties more effectively than those who believe in God behind the medicine so that things can be made possible accordingly. 

 It is seen that if a person meditates daily and makes it a part of his regular life, it enriches the knowledge and enhances the intelligence by making you aware of the healing aspects of meditation.  If someone meditates for ten to fifteen minutes daily then significant differences and benefits become visible and people begin to notice the changes that happen due to meditation.

I would like to give you an example.  One of my uncles was of a very angry nature, he used to get angry over small things, so I advised him to practise meditation as a better way to control his nature and reduce negative attitude towards people and things. From their depth it could easily be estimated how effectively meditation was working on them.  Anxiety leads a person to depression and this condition can ruin you completely if it is not treated in time. 

 Since the illness is in that condition, it should be removed as soon as possible.  If the right solution is not done at the right time then you can find yourself in the worst situation. It has been seen that meditation is not only becoming popular but is also becoming a part of the culture of the mainstream.  It is slowly bringing changes in the lives of people all over the world.  As we all know that meditation can also be done, there is no strict rule about it.  

The opportunity can be used anywhere.Meditation not only makes you more aware of your thought process, but it also helps you learn the basic idea of ​​how to move forward without any distractions. After following this inspiring thought, the process of meditation becomes more interesting.  

If by chance you get caught in traffic then that time can be utilised and just make sure that your eyes are not closed, you have to concentrate on the process of breathing to feel calm.  It has been experienced many times that if a person becomes free from stress then his ability to understand things becomes better and better.

It has been acclaimed that when a person is comfortable his level of memory gets enhanced. If a person starts a new thing (including meditation),  certain pros and cons are involved, just like any other thing, so meditation is not an exception. 

If you’ve been thinking of trying meditation, you can analyse the pros and cons of this process and go for it but first of all, you have to make sure that meditation is a good option for you. If you choose any process in life then it should be based entirely on your choice or what do you think of its significance? rather than, how do the people take it?  Meditation has hundreds of different forms and outcomes. We usually think that meditation has something that can be performed in a particular position ( lotus),  to assume a focus point, It is one of the types of meditation. 

Meditation has got six different types. Meditation has hundreds of different forms and outcomes. We usually think that meditation has something that can be performed in a particular position ( lotus),  to assume a focus point, It is one of the types of meditation. Meditation has got different types.

Loving-kindness- when you wish to show gratitude to your family and friends loving-kindness meditation can help you in doing so.

Mindful meditation seeks out the perfection that might be expected in everything. It is something that can be practised every day. Because it is simple to practise paying attention on purpose without passing judgement on the present moment.

Now from the above discussion two more questions arise and these are - which thought process is determined through meditation?  How should this be developed?  As we know that all our feelings like pain, happiness, doubt, fear, satisfaction develop through the process of thinking.  That is why we must know how to control our minds, if we are incapable of knowing them at the right time, then they can be used, and can create various types of problems, if they are ignored for some reason at the right time.  If this is done, then it will become more difficult to handle them with time.

  There is nothing to worry if the thoughts are passing easily like moments pass, but the problem arises when they get stuck in some corner of your mind for a long time.  This problem can be dealt with only when you believe in the power of mindfulness.  That's why it is said that exercise is for the body and meditation is for the mind.

Objectives of meditation -:

    (1) It helps prevent diseases.

   (2) It protects a person from mental diseases like stress, sleep problems, insomnia etc.

   (3) It helps a person to control and improve various senses.

  (4) It helps in strengthening the power of the mind.

  (5) Meditation tries to establish human values and moral obligations.

 (6) Meditation works as a filter in purifying the impurities from the mind and concentrating on the heart.

Meditation not only works for the healthy body but also work to enhance the efficiency of the mind. Through meditation, a person always keeps checking the level of his energy and skills that helps to evoke rational thoughts in it.

Meditation is a practice through which a person tries to understand himself comprehensively. It influences different aspects and factors of life.

a) Increase in memory power and learning capacity -: With regular practice of proper breathing, when any thing is read with a single mind, then it can be concentrated on a specific point with full attention, the results of which can be remembered.  it is possible.  

(b) Mentally balanced -: If a person is working hard for a long time to achieve something and he fails, he tries to keep calm by practising meditation to take him in the right direction.  

(a) Freedom from stress and mental problems -: It has been seen that teachers have to face many mental complexities, whereas teaching meditation holds an important place for maintaining balance and making the process peaceful and informative.

 (d) Enhance Efficiency-: Self-expression and self-realization and easy Flexibility help to live a healthy life. its practice also leads to creativity. 

(e) Emotional balance -: Continuous practice of meditation creates emotional balance.Who works among friends, colleagues and social environment.  Meditation helps in the development of the mind and the rays of mental nourishment spread throughout the brain and it helps in maintaining emotional behaviour..

(f) Moral importance -: it gives proper weightage to rules thoughts and behaviour.

It is all about perception, the way you sense things, in the same way, it will happen. If you feel as free as bird it will become difficult to shackle you, when you think you are bound you will remain in impediments. Things happen the way they will be thought.  

Always try to develop a habit of seeing and looking good  in the people around you. You should have a proper vision, in using your mind as a tool, which should be carefully used. You don't  ever leave any such door open, even in your dreams, where this tool stealthily becomes a master and takes control of your mind. It can lead to destruction. Meditation helps us to come out of any situation. I would like to suggest you meditate twice a day.

It is all about perception, the way you feel things, in the same way, it will happen.  If you feel independent like a bird, it will be difficult to keep you in chains. When you feel that you are bound, you will remain in chains.  Things happen in the way one would think.  Always try to develop the habit of looking and listening well among the people around you.  

You must have a proper vision, you must use your mind as a remedy, which must be used carefully, and you must never leave such a door open, not even in your dreams, where this remedy secretly becomes the owner.  go and take control of your mind.  This can become a cause of destruction.  Meditation helps us to come out of any situation.  I always like to inspire people to meditate at least twice a day.