Learning gives way to experience and this improves conflict resolution skills.

 Today I want to discuss something about 'conflict', what measures should be taken to resolve it.  Does learning  play any role in solving issues?  If yes, then how? It is important to understand the process of learning in order to address and resolve conflicts effectively.  When facing conflicts, individuals often rely on their own intellectual abilities to analyze, interpret, and prepare possible solutions.  By engaging in the learning process, individuals can gain knowledge, skills, and vision that can enhance their conflict resolution abilities.

Conflict can be defined in many ways however, it has been seen that there is no consensus among scholars on what conflict is. An ideological conflict is defined as a dispute between two individuals or sides or a confrontation between common forces; the issue can be small or big.  But how will this be solved? 

 This whole process of solving any issue can be understood through conflict management skills.  To achieve the desired success of these skills has become the demand of time.  If you are not using the methods of communication correctly.  This indicates that we are sometimes incapable of handling interpersonal relationships because of our negligence or ignorance .Normally the difficulties become bigger and our "let it go" attitude makes them even bigger.

It has been observed that in the absence of conflict management skills things get worse.  Struggle not only creates pain but also attacks the people who always work for your development and values.  That is why if anyone wants to control the wrong  impact of a conflict then a special skill is required to handle the situation.

  Disputes and quarrels can happen with anyone, anytime.  Because this is a natural and normal process.  This can be done by teachers, students, parent administrators, department heads, organisation heads or various administrations due to some reasons. In Conflict Management Skills, you will find many strategies, strategies and models to help you get out of tough 

Although conflict management programs cannot be implemented in a single way, they share the basic idea of ​​improvement in the same problem-solving model.

 Some basic principles of conflict management

a) Conflict is natural and common 

b) The way we manage conflict determines whether it is functional or passive, productive or destructive,

c) There are different styles of conflict,  Each of these is beneficial in certain situations.

It has been shown that through learning individuals can develop important problem-solving skills, such as critical thinking, communication and support, which are essential in navigating and reducing conflicts.  In addition, the learning process allows individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and others, which provides more effective communication and support in conflict resolution efforts.

 It is true that struggle is a natural thing, it happens daily in everyone's life.  Conflict in itself is neither good nor bad, but dealing with it is always challenging.  Most of the time, the solution to a conflict depends on how we handle it.

For example, if we’re taking positive measures to come out of any dispute  the result will be positive, but if we are moving with a negative approach then the result will remain vice-versa. Because conflict can quickly escalate, even to physical and emotional violence.

Skills -: Effective implementation of conflict management skills, strategies and capabilities along with the assistance of guidance and training can make an adequate difference in anybody’s life. These are the skills and abilities included-:

Orientation skills- include values, beliefs and attitudes.

Perception skills: it includes the understanding that conflict doesn’t lie in the objectives but in the perceptions that an individual has regarding the particular situation or circumstances.

Emotional skills:  It includes our behaviour to manage variant emotions, like anger frustration, fear and confusion.The conflict or dispute can be determined in some way.  This can happen between two individuals or two groups.  The conflict between two people is a very clear and immediate form of dispute.  The intensity of emotions like jealousy, anger and opposition are very strong.

 Most of the time the conflict between two people becomes physical to hurt or eliminate the opponents.  Due to different objectives, jealousy, enmity and trust conflict can arise from personal conflict.  There is a difference of opinion on conflict 

Practical and non-public conflict-: Public conflict occurs when an individual or group hinders, or destroys another in their attempt to achieve their goals.  Unexpected conflict occurs when individuals or groups do not interfere with each other's efforts.  But they never stop trying to achieve their goals.

Some other types of conflicts are also found in India:

1) Communal conflict

2) Caste conflict

3) Regional conflict

4) Rural-City conflict

5) Moral conflict

6) Intergenerational  conflict

7) Inter-Community conflict

8) Gender conflict

Conflict can be solved through understanding and cooperation of the two persons.  Conflict management is the practice of identifying and handling conflicts intelligently, impartially and efficiently.

 It is a fact that struggle in the corporate world is a natural part of the business world.  It is important to know how many of them understand the nature of conflict and have sufficient skills to be used to resolve all types of disputes. 

Before they become too intense to finalise. Mostly the corporate world has got several issues to deal with because in their field everyone is striving to show or prove how valuable they are to the real assets, and this thinking leads them to disputes or clashes with the other members of the team.  

Learning plays an important role in the entire process of solving problems.  Whatever is present in our social structure is the learning of those who learn, who mostly learn about natural and common circumstances in life and it is true that each one of us is learning one thing from the other.

 We all know very well how a person starts learning immediately after his birth. Therefore it is true that a person's behaviour changes through direct or indirect experiences. This behavioural change is simply called learning.  

Now we must try to understand. how the process of learning creates a space for understanding which affects not only the individual but the entire process of struggle. As we begin to understand the impact of this process of learning,it can be easily seen and it helps us to become more mature.

In the whole process of solving issues, learning plays a quite prominent role. Whatever exists in our societal  setup is all the learning of the learners who learn about situations that are mostly natural and common in life and it is the fact every one of us is learning one thing from another.

Learning is related to how we think.  It can be defined as the way our brain develops, how we acquire knowledge, important perceptions, our ability to recognize and analyse things in our own way.  Learning is not separate from personalities who are so interconnected with the way we behave that at times it becomes difficult to believe whether they are behaving because of understanding or are a result of awareness.  

We all know that learning is a natural process within you.  This is a development that will take place within the person. The changes taking place due to awareness indicate the manifestation and ripening of the symptoms found in the inheritance and to some extent, are independent of movement, practice and experience.  Often maturity and understanding opens up paths to pleasant solutions and stops us from getting entangled in small issues.

The manner in which things are learnt has a remarkable impact on the whole process of learning.   It can be said that whenever any issue occurs then awareness creates a path of solution.  Therefore it can be easily declared that this is not only the overall development of the brain but also the adequate growth of the whole human sharer, which is generally called maturity. 

 A person's thought process, feelings and behavior influence the step of making a decision.  In the process of learning, one gets experience with different types of emotions, their ability to make good decisions and their ability to understand their surrounding world by understanding the process of doing work.

In comparison to less awareness  the more awareness makes the individuals to go for a deep learning approach to get self-motivated.To get more benefits the teachers always keep evaluating the strengths or weaknesses of their students at regular intervals, so then a teacher can develop the best process of learning. 

The learning experience often can provide a different  kind of learning to the aspirants which truly matches their capabilities. providing people with an adequate understanding of this amazing  world to a more thorough awareness of the social world in which we live often with difficult situation

 It is not surprising that knowledge advances with learning and enhances decision making ability. But it must not be inferred that it will increase exactly the way we are expecting.

The existence of life without the techniques of learning might not be visualised.  There are many processes and reactions through which we attain moralities, attitudes and aptitudes in life.  As we all know these methods of learning affect our level of experience in multiple ways.  

Often it is realised that behaviour is said to be developed through maturation and not through learning. Its training procedures do not speed up or modify the behaviour, such procedures are not casually important and the changes do not classify as learning. 

Conclusion -: In addition, continuous learning enables one to broaden one's views and consider alternative ways to address conflicts.  By being open to new ideas and perspectives, individuals are able to adapt their behaviour and reactions to conflict situations, which can lead to more creative and effective solutions.The process of learning plays an important role in equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills and insight necessary to address and resolve conflicts effectively.  By prioritising continuous learning and personal growth, individuals can enhance their conflict resolution abilities and promote positive outcomes in challenging situations.


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