In our fast-paced world, the allure of easy money and instant gratification has never been stronger. With technology simplifying our lives, impatience has grown rampant, allowing many to crave immediate results in all endeavours. This article delves into the consequences of our "instant coffee" attitude, highlighting a telling story about a budding guitarist's reluctance to invest time in mastering his craft. Through relatable anecdotes and powerful insights, we will explore how embracing the journey—much like patiently waiting for bread to rise—can pave the way toward meaningful success and fulfilment. Join us as we shift our mindset from quick fixes to the long-lasting rewards of hard work and dedication
The Quest for Instant Gratification-;
In this jet age, everybody is running after to make easy money. The advancement in science has helped people to increase the level of their comfort zone. We all know that our lives have become easier and more convenient with a lot of domestic gadgets. All these things have resulted in developing a mindset to gain anything immediately without waiting for it; even they don't want to wait at the traffic signals.
An Anecdote About Expectation-;
One of my friends described an interesting encounter. She is a music teacher, and one day a lad came and started inquiring about the music classes. He wanted to be a guitarist. The most amusing question was asked: "How long will this course take? I want to learn it easily and quickly." After hearing an answer that it will take a lifetime of precise practice or training to become a guitarist, he never came back.
The Consequences of an "Instant Coffee" Mindset
Our "instant coffee" attitude is the most important factor that is responsible for creating a demarcation between those of us who succeed in any venture and those of us who don't. Now everybody wants immediate impacts. People are losing morality; that's why resolution and patience are forgotten words.
The Frustration of Delays
It has been noticed that when performing any work or skill that requires a lot of time and effort, they get frustrated, upset, and angry over trivial issues. They often feel dejected and want to give it up as soon as possible. They keep asking, "Why should things take long? Things must be easy to reach; it is unfair to them.”
The Comparison Trap
These types of people do not accept the fact that life is too short and there is not enough time to do all the things in the way they wish to do. They tend to compare themselves with others and get upset upon acknowledging the stories of others' success, considering those achievements as pure luck and claiming that God is being too kind to those people who have support, help, and approach to attain their goals.
The Perils of a Defeatist Attitude
Those who have grown up with this kind of thinking continually curse their fortunes, without realizing the fact that "fortunes always favour the brave." Believe me, life is tough for those who have the habit of giving up, and it is even tougher for those who have developed an "instant coffee" attitude. Such thinking can certainly ruin you; it doesn't serve any purpose.
Embracing the "Bread Making" Philosophy
I wish to advise you that if you want success, happiness, and luck by your side, follow the "bread making" attitude. I mean to say, those who are ready to knead the dough and wait for five to six hours for it only to punch, then wait for more hours for the further processes before it is ready to be eaten. Keep in mind that nothing is instantaneous in this world, so you have to make efforts to prove your worth, whether in your career, academics, relationships, physical fitness, hobbies, or spirituality. It is a long journey to achieve your ambitions.
The Illusion of Quick Fixes
The biggest problem with these "instant coffee" solutions is that they always fail, and in the long run, they are short-lived. If you refuse to give up the habit of quick solutions, you will go astray and end up on the wrong track because you are busy exploring magical solutions that simply do not exist. We can save a lot of time when we seize this desperate search and accept proven methods of working. We should remove hurried sickness from our nature; it will help us lead a better life. I want to share some inspiring ideas that can not only inspire you but also help you achieve success.
Defining Success as a Lifelong Journey
If someone asks me to define success, I must say that it is a lifelong journey. If you are not lazy, the path will get smoother. Everyone wants success in life, mostly young people who are always excited to achieve the best career option. Success also has different meanings for different people based on their goals and desires. Some people want to succeed in sports and arts, while others want a respectable position in a famous company or want to start their own business. It is believed that hard work is the key to success, but opportunities also come with time.
The Importance of Preparation
Does it mean to sit comfortably and wait for the opportunity to come? What if an unexpected opportunity comes along and you're not ready? Thus, it is always advisable to prepare yourself for expected or unexpected openings. You must keep developing your talents so that you don't miss out on any chances that can help you achieve success.
Overcoming Self-Doubt
It has been noticed several times that whenever a person sets or chooses a goal for themselves, they start doubting their choice. People usually ask them about their doubts, but they never provide clear answers. It is also important to associate success with yourself after you have expended your effort and energy.
The Role of Attitude in Success
This is a very important aspect, as most people give more credit to good luck or fortune. Such people are not fearless; rather, they are always worried about failures or accidents. Instead of preparing themselves for bad days, they constantly pray for success. You should always show a kind attitude and encourage yourself in your future life journey. Celebrating every victory, whether big or small, will boost your enthusiasm and encourage you to achieve more success in life.
Persistence Despite Failures
I would like to say that some people are emotional and sensitive. If they fail, they stop trying. You must understand that success is not an easy task. It requires a lot of patience and hard work. Even a person who receives successful business in the form of ancestral property also has to work hard to maintain their success. So you don't have to be disappointed or upset even if you fail.
The Secret of Focus and Happiness
Staying focused is the main secret to success. Your main aim should be to be happy and content. Some find happiness in being healthy and some are happy being rich, but most importantly, you should at least know what you want. Half the journey ends only then. You should focus on your goal and decide to fulfil your dreams and achieve happiness. Success will soon become your companion in your life journey. We should always keep in mind that the definition of success varies from person to person and your feelings are your responsibility. So always be motivated to be better, and most importantly, you should not give up.
The Confusion of Direction
You know, why do people remain confused? I feel that there must be many reasons, but the most important one I would like to discuss is that they usually don't have an appropriate idea of their vision and mission. In enthusiasm, they choose but forget the three most important things: confidence, conviction, and competency. This combination of three (C's) plays a great role in attaining the goals that have been set earlier by people. You should never compare yourself with others. Always dream big and aim high.
Faith in Your Goals
A lot of other things are also there that can help you grow more. When you are setting a goal in life, you must have faith that you can and one day you will achieve it. It is all in your hand to take measures according to your goals, rather than your moods. Mood goes with attitude while the goal goes with your aptitude. As we all know, mood always keeps swinging, so you should not follow your mood. If you become moody regarding your mission in life, you are certainly going to lose focus.
Commitment to Your Mission
One should never doubt one's goal or aim in life. If you do so, it means that you have lost faith in yourself, and then nobody can save you from collapse. It has been seen many times that most people in the world do not have a clear vision about life nor do they have any plan to achieve their goals. They remain in doubt in the absence of their own progressive plan. We all know that there is a goal in life, so keep trying to make it perfect. You should be dedicated towards your goal ,otherwise it will remain only in your dreams
It is the fact that conclusion can never be drawn from confusions because any kind of confusion will enough to ruin your plans if you are putting all the but not getting the desired results it doesn't mean it can never be achieved, it will be achieved one day you just have to put an extra efforts success has many obstacles and take a pledge to remove all, you have to do only one thing become obstinate. Your obstinacy will lead you on the path to success. Never lose hope, believe in your dreams and make them dreams in reality if you don’t do so then success will go away and as a result, you will start blaming your destiny. Mark my word if you are wishing for a better tomorrow you have to not only focus on the present ,but also work hard to make the process complete today.
If you want to clear your doubts regarding anything, please let me know